I watched Zach's video about the Mormons a bit ago and I remembered that in 2015 I mentioned how the Mormons were important to Pope Francis' visit to the US.
I've been talking about the importance of 2015 to what's going on lately so I figured I would go back and listen to some of the videos in regards to it in 2015. While listening to it, just as I start talking about Lupercalia(Wolf Festival) I get a notification that says "Wolf in Front Yard?".
Wolf=56, and 52(reverse)
Pope=52 and 56(reverse)
This is the comment I left on Zach's video as the Mormons play some big piece to a lot of stuff I've mentioned but haven't quite figured out yet.
Salt Lake City, Utah=188
Latter Day Saints=188
In regards to Lupercalia though....Rome founded on 4/21, but remember Romulus and Remus were suckled by the SheWolf that Lupercalia is celebrated for.
Queen Elizabeth=150
Philadelphia Eagles=150
I also find it interesting that Mormons showed up at Zach's house the same day we get a big story about Indians "Chief Wahoo Logo".
The Mormons play a big role in regards to Native Americans.
Also Lupercalia is connected to Minneapolis as in 2015 I talked a bunch about the NBA All star Week and Teen Wolf. Zach Lavine a Teen Wolf won the Slam Dunk Contest and then then Teen Wolf Andrew Wiggins won MVP of the Rising Stars Challenge. The NBA All Star Week fell on 2/13 to 2/15(dates of Lupercalia). Then we got the death of Darryl Dawkins(Philadelphia) and Moses Malone(Philadelphia)....Dawkins the first player out of HS to play in NBA....Malone first player out of HS to play in ABA.....
Kevin Garnett out of High School to the Timberwolves becoming the first Teen Wolf.
Kobe Bryant's final game even synced to the death of Malone....Lakers originally from Minnesota...Kobe out of HS as well.
I talked a lot about "Valentines Day"=52 in 2015 too and how it synced with Michael Jordan.
Valentines=121=Revelation and so on...
Jordan wore # 45 because Valentines is the 45th day and so on...He wore # 45 for 22 games and switched back to 23 on the 23rd game.
Jordan also wore # 12 once because someone stole his Jersey on Valentines day.
Ha, seriously I couldn't remember what number Jordan wore when his Jersey was stolen so I looked it up. The article I clicked on to see it had a video ad in the beginning and he talks about The WOLF.
The Fixer-The Wolf Videos
The AD is for some computer Security thing and he offers protection against the Wolf?.....Interesting as the notification I got above was also a a video of a security camera that may have spotted a Wolf?
Also Jonathan BANKS....US Bank....
Jonthan Banks=40(rev red)
The Fixer=40
Here's the video from the notification above.....
Real name is "Ryan Porter"=150
Wolf Festival=150
Philadelphia Eagles=150
Jordan's Olympic number was even # 9....so #9 and # 23(9/23)...
Denzel Valentine hitting the game winner on Valentines Day 2015...
Lupercalia would be a fitting day for an Earthquake as well.
It begins on the 44th day of the year.
Trying to think more on 2015....
The Main themes I talked about over and over were:
Queen Elizabeth/The Pope/Obama possibly dying...
Lupercalia/Teen Wolf/Civil War Theme/Nebraska Cornhuskers
Michael Jordan/Philadelphia/Space Jam/Valentines
Philadelphia/Earthquakes/Bridge/Philadelphia Experiment
Pope Francis 9/23/Trains/Back to the Future.....
How Sports were connected to All of the above...
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