The lead singer of the Cranberries dies today. It's a fitting day for her to die as I talked about her on June 30th 2017 telling how she was connected to the Jesuits.
Now she dies on 15/1 at the age of 46.
Jesus Christ=151
Catholic=46 also 145(reverse)
Jorge Bergoglio=145(Current Pope...Francis' real name)
The Cranberries=145
The Troubles=46, 145(Conflict involving Warrington Bombs).
Dolores Mary Eileen O'Riordan=145
Notice I made that video and blog post about her 199 days ago.
199 is the 46th prime number.
I only made the post because I got a comment on my How To Gematria Video that took me to a strange link of a cover of "Zombie".
Notice I put my How to Gematria Video out on the 46th day of 2016.
The video that the link took me to is also interesting.
Zombie by Eywa=61, 151
Zombie Cover=61
Jesus Christ=151
God=61=Jesus=Holy Spirit=Cross=Christian=Church=Time=Miracle
Ha funny too...."Zombie"=29(rev red)
Jesus=29....comes back from the Dead.
The last album The Cranberries released was called "Something Else".
Something Else=61
Notice how the article highlights "Devastated"=61(rev red).
Dolores O'Riordan also met Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict.
She also dies 132 days (end date) after her bday.
Catholic Church=132
Roman Catholic=132
She dies 3 months 20 days(end date) after the Jesuit Anniversary.
Notice the Warrington Bomb Attacks that Zombie was about came to an end on 3/20.
Notice the second attack happened on Bridge Street too.....interesting in regards to the Bridge symbolism with the Super Bowl.
Remember 3/20 to the Jesuit Anniversary is 191 days.
Society of Jesus=191, 187(reverse)
The First Attack was on the same day the WTC bombing happened in 93' and it was 7 months 1 days before the Jesuit anniversary.
The bombings were done by the "Provisional Irish Republican Army"=187
The UDA retaliated on 3/24 which is 187 days before the Jesuit anniversary.
Warrington Bomb Attacks=132=Catholic Church=Roman Catholic
Everything about Dolores was connected to the Catholics..
Dolores O'Riordan=88(rev red)
E Minor=88
Warrington, England=88
London=88(where she died).
In the post I even talked about synchronicity with the show Archer in regards to the Pope and Assassination...It was Season 8 episode 8.
Looking back at the reason that started me looking into the Cranberries I thought it was because I got the same message twice. It was actually 2 similar messages by different people. Both started off with "Hey Dan Behrendt" I love your Video is why I thought they were the same message.
Also her death on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is fitting for a number of reasons.
The Warrington Bombs were because the mostly Catholic IRA wanted to be independent from the United Kingdom...The Loyalists...the Church of England...the Protestants....think about Martin Luther King Jr. in regards to Martin Luther who supposedly created protestantism with his 95 Theses. Then later King Henry VIII left the Catholic Church because he couldn't get divorced. Remember Henry VIII was fully excommunicated by Pope Paul III who also created the Jesuits.
King Henry VIII=191
Society of Jesus=191
Pope Paul III died on what would've been Martin Luther's 66th bday 11/10/1549.
He was the 220th Pope...Pope Francis Bday is 2 months 20 days after the Jesuit anniversary...."Donald John Trump"=220(reverse)
Pope Paul died age 81...2 months 20 days is 81 days...Francis turned 81 which was 81 days after the Jesuit anniversary.
"London, England"=220(reverse)
Prince Charles=220(reverse)
South America=191(where Francis from..first Jesuit Pope)
Elizabeth II=191(reverse)
House of Windsor=191 and 187(reverse)
All of these people/things are just different sides of the same group.
United States of America=132(rev red)
Martin Luther King Sr. died age 84 in 1984.
MLK JR's real name is "Michael King Jr."=231(reverse)....
fitting for the Kneeling and "National Anthem"=231(reverse0
MLK Jr. connected to civil rights reminding us of the Civil War...thing about the IRA wanting to be it's own nation and what not.
One last thought in regards to Martin Luther King Jr. Day...
Martin Luther King Jr.=93
Malcolm X=93
Both die age 39(refelection of 93).
They only met 1 time on 3+26+64=93
King gave his final speech on the 93rd day at a Masonic Temple on 930 Mason Street. (Actually it was 4/3 but a leap year so the 94th day...still interesting).
The Warrington Bomb Attacks happened in 93' the same day as the WTC bombing...2/26/93.
Warrington Bombing=93
Two Hundred Twenty Six=93
Remember on 9/11 Flight AA:11 hit the 93rd to 99th floor. The second plane hit at 9:03...Also Flight 93.
One World Trade Center=93
MLK JR. Died 9 months 11 days before his bday.
Larry Silverstein=226
Construction on the WTC began in 1968...the same year MLK Jr. died. Then it opened on 4/4/ the 5th anniversary of his death. He would've been 44 years and it was on 4/4.
George Bush born 68 days before 9/11.
1968 was 33 years before the 9/11 WTC attack...
North Tower=156(what was bombed in 93')
156th prime number is 911
Thirty Three=156
False Flag=33, 156
Magnusson Klemencic Associates=156(build the WTC)
King also would've turned 64 years old 44 days before the 93' WTC bombing too lol....
Civil Rights=64 Civil Rights Act passed in 64' by "Lyndon B Johnson"=64 and died age 64... and so on..
Cranberries-Warrington Bombings Youtube Video
Cranberries-Warrington Bombings Blog Post
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