Lebron James returns to Cleveland wearing another wrestling shirt. This time he is wearing the Ultimate Warrior shirt.
Lebron James=51
Cleveland Cavs=51
Quicken Loans=51
Hadn't won a sports championship in 51 years.
Believe=51(The song before Game 7 kept saying this)
Remember just before Game 5 Lebron was also wearing the Undertaker Tshirt in the interview about Klay Thompson saying his feelings were hurt.
Man I should've put this together. I even talked about Undertaker's streak on my blog, but Lebron wearing the Undertaker Shirt before Game 5 on 6/13 was exactly 114 weeks after Undertaker's Streak was broken. Lebron was telling us, Cleveland was breaking the losing streak.
Alos 2 years 2 months 6 days. 226.
Prince Rodgers Nelson=226
The whole playoffs and more connected to the death of Prince.
Lebron was even Prince for Halloween.
Brock Lesnar broke the streak by beating the Undertaker.
Lesnar=69=Cleveland Cavaliers
Undertaker even beat Shane McMahon in Wrestlemania 32 this year.
Shane McMahon=114, 51
Lebron James=114, 51
I rarely watch WWE, but I used to and I have a lot of friends who still watch it all the time. My friend who came over late Saturday night was even complaining about how Game 7 was on the same time as Money in the Bank, and Game of Thrones.
In Money in the Bank on 6/19 Seth Rollins defeated Roman Reigns, but he was later defeated by Dean Ambrose because it was his Money in the Bank cash in match.
The Ultimate Warriors real name is James Hellwig. Remember he died oddly after stating his legacy and what not, because he knew he was going to die. It was just after Wrestlemania XXX. Interesting WM XXX was also in New Orleans which has been a big area of topic this year in connection to France as well.
Look at them connections to the Cavs.
I forgot to put "Seth Rollins"=151 (Simple)
Also "Dean Ambrose"=52
Even though it's 51 years 5 months 23 days since Cleveland Won a Sports Championship, all the news story's are reporting it as 52 years.
So fitting for Seth Rollins and Ultimate Warrior.
Remember too how the Undertaker lost his streak to Brock Lesnar in Wrestlemania XXX just before the Ultimate Warrior died.
His record in Wrestlemania became 21-1. I mentioned this all year in regards to Lebron James.
He even shot 9 of 23 on 11/4(against Knicks) which was 211 days before the Finals. He shot 9 of 19 on Nov. 2nd or 2/11 which also coincides with Pope Francis' trip to the United States. He went to Cuba first on 9/19 then US on his 923rd day as Pope, then White House the next day on 9/23 at 9:23am.
World Series Power went out at 9:19 and came back on at 9:23. The next day Lebron shoots 9 of 19 in Philadelphia.
I talked about the Death of "Sean Rooks"=117 who debuted in the NBA on 1/17 even. He was the assistant coach of 76ers and died same day he had an interview with the Knicks.
Look at the story of Seth Rollins. He got injured on 11/4 and returned on 5/22.
11/4 to 5/22 a span of 6 months 19 days.
The day Cavs won NBA Finals and Rollins wins Money in the Bank was 6/19.
5/22 also David Blatt's Birthday. Remember the Cavs fired him on 1/22 which was 122 days before 5/22. Steve Kerr Came back that day as well. The warriors scored 122 points on 1/22. "Golden State"=122
David Michael Blatt=146
Oakland California=146
Cavs won Cleveland a major sports championship for the 1st time in 146 seasons.
Irving shot 9 of 23 146 days after 11/4 when Lebron did.
Anyway I took the death of the Ultimate Warrior to the day Lebron James wears his T-shirt it just so happens to be 804 days.
Which reminds me of Flight 804 that happened 804 days after the Missing Malaysian Airline.
Also Cavaliers being followers of King Charles in the English Civil War, and If Queen Eliz II dies Prince Charles will become King Charles III.
King Charles III=804 (English)
I'm gonna add more to this when I get home later. I promised Claire I'd take her to the swimming pool tonight. So gotta go. Peace.
If you go from Wrestlemania 32 to Game 7 it's 77 days.
Ultimate Warrior=77
That means also if you go to the today when Lebron wears his shirt it's 78 days.
Brian James Hellwig=78=Cleveland Cavaliers
Look at Seth Rollins entrance songs.
He's currently coming out to "The Second Coming"
Previously it was "King of Kings".
That's a scary thought, but exactly what I kept mentioning Lebron winning might mean. Rebirthing the King James or just the Rise of a new King.
Interesting how King of Kings has identical gematria to Pope Francis.
Just putting this back in here, but Remember how Pope Francis became the Pope on 3/13/13. A lot like the Gematria of the Mark of the Beast both ways.
The Second Coming=444(Jewish)
Remember how Pope Francis gave a speech in Philadelphia using Lincoln's Gettysburg Address lectern too at exactly 4:44pm?
The Gettysburg Address was given on 11/19/1863
King Charles I was born on 11/19 as well.
Interesting too that "The Second Coming"=154
I just mentioned a few of these 154's in my last video.
In regards to the English Civil War though the period where King Charles II returned to claim the throne was called Restoration.
The NBA Finals began on 154th day of the year. Which was also the 63rd anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation.
The Fresh Prince=154
Princess Camilla=154
Denver Broncos=154
Levi's Stadium=154
Broncos finished season 15-4.
Much more...
One Hundred Fifty Four=234
Remember the English Civil War began on the 234th day of the year.
Those songs really stuck out to me, so I looked up where King of Kings came from..especially considering it's by Motorhead and we just got the death of Lemmy this year. It came out on WWE Wreckless Intent.
Wreckless Intent=197
Two Hundred seven=197
There's also some interesting other track names on that Album. POD Booyaka 619 really stands out considering we just had King James Bday and Cavs win on 6/19. Also the same day as Money in the Bank.
Someone in my comments had mentioned how ESPN last week was showing a lot of Rey Mysterio whose got a famous wrestling move called the 619. Mysterio and POD from San Diego where the 619 calling code is but still interesting in regards to the other stuff.
Plus..Rey Mysterio means "King Mystery".
I looked up Booyaka too. There's not really a definition but interesting the first one on Urban Dictionary refers to it as Feeling like you are King of the World.
The 114th prime number is even 619 so fitting name for a San Diego Band.
I also have mentioned POD multiple times. As Their Album Satellite came out on 9/11/2001. A ton of other stuff, as I saw a UFO the night before on the small town hwy F66=666.
I even mentioned them in regards to Prince Harry and Obama dropping the Mic saying Boom. They have the song Here comes the Boom. I mentioned in regards to Little Nicky as well, which is all about the rise of the new Devil. Old Nick is a reference to Satan. Nicky's mom is even in heaven with Chubbs who get's his hand bit off by the Alligator. So much more but you get the point.
Anyway did you notice the Extra Tracks they put on the Album you can buy at Walmart? So the Album ends with Booyaka 619, Then King of Kings then the Bonus Tracks of "Rise Up" and "Pay the Price"?
Pay the Price the song for wrestler named Charlie? Is that a reference to King Charles III?
This guy better be watching himself, he is ripe for killing this year. He's 44 years old and born exactly 347 years after the Death of King James I. 347 is the 69th prime number. Both 44 and 69 are big death numbers this year.
He's even from Houston=112 which is another number connected to death. Who knows if he will die but he's got the numbers to be chosen that is for sure.
His brother even born exactly to the day 2 years after him.
They just brought him up on wwe this week or last out of nowhere