So almost every person I've seen today was talking about this Gorilla Story.
The first thing I thought of when I heard this story was I bet it has a connection to King Kong.
Wouldn't you know...King Kong=88
Also King Kong=528(English)
This story happened on May 28th or 5/28.
The original Film came out on 3/2/1933.
Also interesting King Kong comes from Skull Island.
Dies on 149th day of the year.
Skull and Bones=149
Skull Island=134=King Charles III
King Charles=107
134, 135 and 165 are numbers Youtube showed me a whole lot. I talked a lot about May 13th as it was the 134th day of the year. Interesting today on my way home from Work I noticed the sign in the very small town of Earling, Iowa says : Panama 5(miles) Dunlap 13(miles).
So literally the 5/13. Earling is the town the Book and Movie The Exorcist is partially based on..
Named after "Albert J Earling"=134 who became president of the Railroad on 9/23 1899.
Also want to point out that this year will in August it will be 88 years since the Exorcism in 1928.
This Guy wrote the original King Kong in 1933.
Notice he died the same day as Prince and also Queen Elizabeth II's Bday. Actually Elizabeth's 47th bday even.
Merian C Cooper=135 Like May 13th.
Also 416(Jewish) is interesting because "Full Moon"=416(Jewish) Prince died the night of Full Moon. A whole bunch of Moon references in Prince's death as well.
Moon=57 He dies age 57.
Simpsons killed him on the same episode as Neil Armstrong and George Clooney.
Much more.
Merian Caldwell Cooper=96
Cincinatti even called the "Queen City".
Cincinatti even got it's name from Arthur St. Clair, naming it after "Society of the Cincinnati"=111
Queen Elizabeth II born on 4/21(Non leap year the 111th day)
Interesting too....Cincinnati Ohio=80=King Charles III
Arthur St. Clair=168
Queen Elizabeth II=168
Cleveland Cavaliers=168
Society of the Cincinnati even established May 13th 1783.
233 years old is also interesting in light of all the 51 coding this year.
233 is the 51st prime number.
Prime Number=134
Society of Cincinnati=111 named after:
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus=111
Look at Cincinnati's area code even. 513 wow I find all of this because of a stupid Gorilla story in the Cincinnati Zoo.
Five Hundred Thirteen=107=King Charles=Earthquake
It's also the 65th largest US City...
It also used to known as the Paris of America. Amazing in light of the Paris Attacks this year, and Flight 804. Also the Deaths of Will Smith and Bryce Dejean Jones(New Orleans) which is all about France.
Paris of America=134
Notice it has 425 Jewish Gematria just like Purple.
Prince and the Purple.
The reason Youtube even showed me these numbers was by copyright claiming my old videos minutes after I posted videos about Prince (Singer). The patterns showed me the numbers I mentioned before.
Buenos Aires the Paris of South America. Go figure that's where Pope Francis is from.
Harambe born on 5+27+99=131
Prince Charles=131
Also 17 years 1 day old.
This Phrase is what is said at the End of King Kong after they finally Kill him.
English Civil War=171
If Queen Elizabeth dies Prince Charles will become King Charles III. King Charles I was the king at the beginning of the English Civil War. When he was executed his son King Charles II was banished to France.
One Hundred Eleven=171(Queens Bday, Society of the Cincinnati)
August Eighteenth Nineteenth Twenty Eight=171(When the Exorcism in Earling Iowa Began)
August 18th leaves 135 days in the year.
Democratic Party=171
One Hundred Seventy One=99, 252
9/9 is the 252nd day. Also in 2015 the day Queen Eliz II became longest reigning British Monarch of all time.
So I noticed too that all the full length videos on this I can find are 2:34. Remember I have just been talking about this as well in regards to August 22nd(234th/235th day) and a whole lot more including Warriors vs Thunder.
English Civil War began on August 22nd. Founder of Black Panthers died on August 22nd. So felt I better document the 2:34 in case it keeps coming up.
The parents are supposedly
Michelle Gregg=75
Deonne Dickerson=74
75+74=149 A lot like the May 28th the 149th day.
Funny too in my last video I mentioned the significance of the Queen's reign and how it's connected to July 4th and her bday. During a Leap year it's 75 and 74.
2/6(Reign) to 4/21 (Bday) is 74 days but leap is 75.
4/21 to 7/4 is 74 days.
In Regards to Sports today we got this headline about Lebron Saying "Better Built".
Better Built=134
Remember when Justin Bieber wore Lebron # 6 Cavs Jersey and said Cavs were winning this year?
Justin Bieber=134
See Link Below.
Justin Bieber wrong Lebron Jersey 134 165
I also saw people mentioning this in regards to Lebron James.
King Charles I also died age 48. Cavaliers followers of him. He also died after the 2nd English Civil War. Then the Third was with his son Charles II.
He was King for 23 years.
Game 7 of NBA Finals would fall on 6/19 the 171st day of the year.
Game 6 on 6/16 the 168th day of the year.
Queen Elizabeth II=168
Cleveland Cavaliers=168
Berg look up during the Raptors series. Cleveland Indians vs Cincinnati Reds do work on that all you have to do is look at the scores lol.
ReplyDeleteGSW isn't winning lol the writing is on the wall. You doubted your GSW pick when they were down 3-1 like Zach.
While I was on my Youtube Channel saying this shit was going 7 With GSW winning.
Do work on that Cincinnati series please. I remember your Civil War theme videos for Super Bowl 50 and how did that turn out again? Also can you remind me of my prediction again?
Go Do gematria work on the Word Crown! The writing is on the wall why don't you look at it you're over analyzing the situation actually not even because you haven't looked at the Cincinnati series yet!
As well as the Champions leauge where Real Madrid was tied to the Warriors!