Thursday, July 18, 2024

316 Stock Market Crash- Donald Trump-Chinese Snake Year


Im sitting here thinking about the upcoming snake year, and how Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Stock Market Crash all happened during a Snake year.

We just had Kobe Bryant's dad die on National Snake Day too. Kobe was the Black Mamba(Snake).  The day before Kobe died, LeBron passed Kobe in scoring and went down the court and stood on the Snake logo.

I've also been blogging about the Trump Assassination attempt and the connection to the Stock Market.
It happened 3 months 16 days before the Stock Market Crash anniversary.
Donald Trump=316(FB)
Herbert Hoover=316(FB)
Hoover was the Stock Market Crash president.
Trump just selected JD Vance as his VP candidate.
JD Vance's bday is 316 days before Trump's.

We've also noticed that composite numbers have been important this year..around the time of the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse. This Collapse was synced to the Stock Market Theme I've been following since 2018.

Stock Market Crash=316(Composite cipher)

That same Francis Scott Key narrative was linked to Super Bowl 52 and Pope Francis. 

Super Bowl 52 was 316 days before Pope Francis' bday.

Pope Francis bday also falls 316 days before the Stock Market Crash anniversary.

Recall that Trump and Biden meeting Pope Francis was synced to Squid Game and the Stock Market Crash.

Vatican City established in 1929.
The St. Valentines Day Massacre in 1929.
The Stock Market Crash in 1929.

This is why we had Stoneman Douglas on Valentines Day, right after Super Bowl 52. Along with a story of the Stock Market having a meltdown the day after Super Bowl 52.

The Stock Market Crash was 3 months 16 days before Valentines Day too.

The WWE was also linked to this narrative with the Austin Bomber and the Maryland School shooting right after Super Bowl 52.

Think about Steve Austin.
Austin 3:16
Stone Cold was injured by Owen Hart who was connected to the Pay-Per-View event, "The St. Valentines Day Massacre." Stone Cold later had surgery and returned to the WWE 316 days later. 

Stone Cold also gave Donald Trump a stunner at WrestleMania 23.

Think about Trump's shooting and what many think could have just been a WWE blood trick too.

In relation to Snake though, Stone Cold came up with the Austin 3:16 line, because of Jake the SNAKE.
I'm gonna pay attention to 7/30/24...
I have a blog post from 2022 where I talked about Squid Game releasing 316 days before SummerSlam...Martha Stewart's peacocks died around that time, and 2022 was a big year with Peacock symbolism...the WWE moved to Peacock, which is why it was connected...and Martha Stewart and the WWE both made their New York Stock Exchange Debut on the same day in 1999....the year Owen Hart died.

Owen Hart died on 5/23
Donald Trump=523(Satanic)

So much to re-explain, but this was also connected to Jesus and Vince McMahon resigning.

Jesus Christ=316(Hebrew Letters.   ישו)

That SummerSlam was on 7/30 though...and that is my daughter Claire's bday....and my daughter has multiple Pet Snakes...she knows everything about them lol.
Recall that Trump met the Pope on the same trip where he touched the Western Wall.
His meeting with the Pope was connected to Squid Game and the Stock Market Crash. See the link above. 

He touched the Western Wall at 4:24.
Donald Trump=424(Hebrew)

A Jewish rabbi named Lev Parnas said he was like the Saviour of Ukraine due to this...Lev then went to jail 4 months 24 days after his bday.

She was born the exact day Herbert Hoover died.

I'm bringing this up, because the president of Ukraine compared the Russian invasion to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 on 3/16...
So yet another connection to the number 316.

Plus, those things are connected to the Snake year.
Another reason why the 316 sticks out so much is that a big thing in the area recently was death of the above...I've known him for years and he was in a popular band in the area for years. My current drummer was the drummer in that band too, and we just played a show together on 3/9/24. 

But notice his bday was 3/16. I even just got sent a message a few hours ago about doing Karaoke for some benefit thing for him...this happens while I'm blogging about 316..

His full name also sums to 333(Composite).
I just blogged last night how both of my sons names sum to 333(Composite) it seems to be linked somehow.

Further, Andy made an error and had our band booked to play a show on 5/24/24....but we didn't end up having a gig lol...this is odd, because 5/24 is the day in history that Donald Trump met Pope Francis, which is synced to the 316 narrative I'm blogging about. Everything really does happen for a reason as I've said a million times.

Recall how my drummer was synced to the Rose symbolism last year...I Djed the Rose wedding on his bday and whatnot...but think how Marilyn and Charles Manson were synced to the Rose Theme in previous years...

Charles Manson was born on the 316th day.
Charles Milles Maddox=316

All of the Manson stuff linked back to JFK/Trump Assassination..

Aleister Crowley=316(Composite)
His wife was ROSE.

Marilyn Manson...Rose McGowan..

Charles Manson interview with Charlie Rose.

Just had Beverly Hills Cop come out with Rosewood wearing the Guns n Roses shirt...

Shannen Doherty died same day as Trump shooting...Beverly Hills..

Trump said the greatest music video of all time is November Rain by Guns n Roses.


Charlie Manson=184(FB)
Charlie Rose=184
184 synced to my Dream Theme.

I just keep finding stuff...For years I've talked about Charles Manson, Slipknot and the number 194...well...

Charles Manson=194(FB)
July 13th is typically the 194th day of the year.


  1. Zelenskyy 9/11 speech on 3/16/22 is 911 days before 9/12/24. I've been watching for the 9/12-9/13/24 dates for a couple of years as they are a span of or number of days from the establishment of the Democratic Party that breaks down to the 911th prime.
    Kamala Devi Harris = 912
    Joe Biden = 912

    This may be time frame for the removal of Biden.
    9/13 is 35 days before the 35th anniversary of Ford's speech at the Herbert Hoover Library.

  2. Signs came out on JD Vance's birthday. Set in Bucks County. Buck Moon coming up

    Reddick #45 on pole
    Top 10 car # qualifying
    = 283
    283 days = 4/30 and 10/12
    Church of Satan and Crowley
    Race # = 3111

    880 days since return of Pluto
    2837 days since Sosa became SG
    22157 days since JFK Assassination
    (2485)(70th triangular)
    The Moon = 283
    163 days left in year (38)

    1. 3111 weeks or 21777 days since Antonio Segni resigned as Prime Minister of Italy due to brain hemorrhage. 138 days before 60th anniversary of resignation.
