Friday, May 28, 2021

The Film Congo was written for Sean Connery and Volcano symbolism


I honestly cannot think of the Congo without thinking of the film "Congo"...a volcano even erupts at the end of the film if I remember correctly. 
I went to Wikipedia and notice how it says that Michael Crichton wrote this screenplay specifically for Sean Connery...although he never ended up being in the film....What are the odds it involves Sean Connery though? 
Gorilla=229(FB) and 141(FB) and 319(Satanic)
3/19 the day of the Iceland Volcano...
Democratic Republic of the Congo=141
229 the France number..

Ernie Hudson is the actor who portrayed the Character that Sean Connery was supposed to. 
Notice he will be 76 years old during the Tiger Year in 2022. 
He shares a bday with Pope Francis. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congo came out on my 8th birthday. 8 years or 8 earth orbits is equivalent to 13 Venus orbits. That's the time it takes to form the pentagram or the rose.

    Congo = Venus in all 4 base ciphers

    That orbital ratios is 13:8
    13 & 8 are fibonacci numbers so they're ratio approximates phi.
    13÷8=1.625 which is .007 away from phi at 1.618

    If you add an s to Bond it also matches "Congo" and "Venus" in all four base ciphers. There have been many "Bonds"

  3. Something I tend to overlook on my birth chart is that Venus was conjunct the Pleiades. The Pleiades are a part of Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus.

  4. Pleiades = Catholic
    71, 35, 145, 46

  5. Congo calling code is +243
    It takes Venus 243 days to make one rotation. Compare that to 24 hours on earth.

  6. There have been 7 actors to play bond. Zach keeps saying it's been a year of 7s though I haven't been following that string. Kamala Harris turned 700 lunar months old on 5/26. 700 is 007 reversed. Again it was 218 days after her bday.

  7. Daniel Craig's 1st bond film came out on 51 date numerology 5100 days before Sean Connery died. 15 years between first and last films. Seems like it has to be a record

  8. If you look at my channel I was doing some videos and making post on Onyx the fortuitous. He raised money this year to make his own film. Anyways, I'm watching the first livestream of his tonight that I've watched in a while. He's wearing a Mars Attacks shirt and he keeps talking about his 15 years in Hollywood. Mars = 51, 15 of course.

    but his characters name is interesting: ONYX. NY within OX. here we are in the year of the Ox.

  9. Your videos get me pumped up. I remember you mentioned my 825 gematria in connection to Sean Connery's birthday. Moon Jae-in = 825 in the same cipher. Caroline Kennedy is said to be in consideration for an ambassador role in Asia. I mentioned this to Rambo and he said South Korea. It makes sense considering the Moon stuff. The sum of the Moon's magic square is 3321. Caroline Kennedy will be 3321 weeks old on Zach's 38th birthday. The 38th parallel splits the Korean peninsula. Caroline Kennedy turned 144 lunar months old the day Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. Zach's bday even has 69 date numerology this year. Dang.
