Saturday, October 17, 2020

YouTube age restricts one of my music videos from 10/11/2011 and synchronicity with the conclusion of the book


I just got a notification from YouTube that they are age restricting one of my old music videos. I'm assuming it's because the title is "simba shut the fuck", but who knows. It's pretty odd considering the video has been on YouTube for 9 years and 6 days. 

Anyway, what is funny about this is the picture I used for the's me in my Jesus Halloween costume from years ago. It was the year I went with my cousin who dressed as Fred Flintstone, which I talked about in connection to my Uncle Barney dying. Even crazier is that I just wrote a conclusion to the book earlier and I mentioned talked all about God. I shared the experience with Sam when I asked God for a friend to talk to about this knowledge. This story also involved a friend I used to make Atheist Rap with who is also my uncle Barney's nephew. The story also involved YouTube giving me copyright claims on videos in connection to God. What are the odds that a few hours after writing this, I get this message and it also involves Jesus? Notice they gave me the message on the 33rd minute of 10/ how Jesus died on the cross at the age 33. 
Notice how it has 6 likes and 1 dislike, and I also have 5.5 subs too. 
God=55 and 61(Jewish)
Jesus=11 and 61...
I put the video out on the 11th of October in the year 11. 

Funnier yet is that I took that screenshot at 1:14 uncle died on 1/14. 
simba shut the fuck and 84

Further today is 2 months 24 days after what would have been my uncle's birthday. The major number I talked about in the conclusion was 224 too. 

Mitch Hedberg=261(Jewish)

Charles Manson=261....

Hmmm...I'm trying to think of the other things that were connected to Barney....Jeopardy...Jesuits...Cubs

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