Let's just start with some of things I noticed in this game. There was a lot of 12 and 21 stuff just like the Patriots/Chiefs game and Superbowl 49.
For Starters the score of 18 to 20.
Colorado the 38th state
Superbowl 50 is on the 38th day of the year.
Omaha=38 (Manning calls this out a lot)
Manning born on the 83rd day of the year..March 24th.
Tom Brady born on 8/3 and is 38 years old.
Peyton Manning=68, 167 39th prime is 167 Manning is 39.
Thirty Eight=68
Interesting also the Broncos scored 20 points.
Twenty=107 Just like "Earthquake"=107
We Also got this story in this story of an Earthquake in Alaska yesterday. A 7.1 hmm. It was 50 miles deep, the CNN video is :50 long. Superbowl 50?
Cook Inlet=41 Superbowl=41
The 162 they show could also be a reference to the 1989 World Series with Earthquake on 10/17/1989. It was San Fran vs Oakland.
Baseball has 162 regular season games.
Major League Baseball=162
Back to the Future II also released in 1989.
20th prime number is 71.
Superbowl Fifty=71 Golden Superbowl=71
SB played in Levi's stadium. Moses was in the tribe of Levi.
The Ten Commandments=71
There was an Earthquake before Moses received the 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai.
A lot of talk of the Syrian Exodus this year as well.
Syria=27, 72 Superbowl on 2/7 or 7/2(depending on location)
Broncos going into the Superbowl with a record of 14-4
Seventy One=144
Broncos win Superbowl Fifty=122
San Francisco=122 Manning even had 122 passing yards at half and Broncos score was 17 the mirror of 71.
The Patriots score of 18 is also interesting.
Peyton Manning is # 18. He threw a 2 TD passes to #81 Owen Daniels. 1st was a 21 yard pass, 2nd was a 12 yard pass.
Owen Daniels=121 (12 and 21 put together)
Eighteen=46 I've been talking about how there's a big connection to the 1985 Bears. Chicago=46, They beat the Patriots 46-10 using the revolutionary 4-6 defense.
This year is the 46th modern era Superbowl but the 50th overall.
Broncos originally played in Bears Stadium.
Levi's Stadium=46
I also learned today that Peyton Manning's Bday is 46 days after Superbowl 50. Also the only Superbowl Manning has ever won was when he played for the Colts and he beat the BEARS in SB 41. Which would've been the 37th Modern Era SB and Chicago=(37,46) The score was even 29-17=46
Of Course Panthers coach is Ron Rivera who played on the 1985 Chicago Bears too. He was also born on January 7th which is 1/7 or 7/1.
Ron Rivera=120 (I'll explain a bit more on this later. Moses lived to be 120 years old)
Gostkowski=149,41 (He missed the game defining extra point with 1:49 in the 1st. )
Wears # 3 Three=56 (56 I've been saying all along had been bad)
It made the score 6 to 7 as well. Lot's of recent 67's. Eagles singer dies age 67, it was 67 days after Eagles of Death Metal concert in "Paris France"=56 Isis=56 Ronda Rousey=56(Also lost her 12th fight)
Also the announcers said he had a streak of 523 PATS. Just interesting I've been seeing the 5/22 and how it's the 143rd day of the year in 2016 and tied to Earthquakes. In a Normal Year 5/23 is the 143rd day. So who knows just interesting.
I've also mentioned in my youtube videos before this blog that there is something special about Field Goals and Punts this year.
Field Goal=71
Brady even threw 56 passes.
Manning threw 32 passes.
Thirty Two=50
Interesting also it says Manning had 176 yards and Team 145.
Chicago, Illinois=145
Back to the Future=176
Von Miller=120 Intercepts Brady on the play that started 14:41.
Forty One=46
Miller is # 58 Born on 85th day of the year.
Later in the 2nd Quarter # 12 Brady ran the ball and got hit out of bounds by # 21. The announcers then referenced the Chiefs game in which he did the same thing.
During that Chiefs/Pats game Avant caught the ball on the 12 yard line, the announcers said there was a flag at the 21. The accepted the penalty and went to the 10 yard line. Ten=12 Next play # 12 WILSON scored the 12th point with 2:12 on the clock on a drive that was 12 plays. If Chiefs would've won it would've been their 12th in a row. Superbowl 49 Russell WILSON threw his 21st pass on 2nd and 1. Intercepted by # 21 Butler who fell to the ground with 12 seconds left. The game was on 2/1.
At the end of the game New England calls a timeout with 17 secs on the play clock and 17 secs on the game clock. Interesting they have 12 points and get their final score with 12 seconds left.
Also non numbers wise. It was more than obvious Brady was throwing the Balls all game into the ground on purpose. They were absolutely terrible passes that had nothing to do with being rushed.
Seventeen=37,109 (37 is the 12th prime number)
109 I've mentioned in previous Posts about Earthquakes.
Patriots lost to the 1985 Bears with 10 points.
The play above was also 4th down from the 4 yard line in the 4th quarter. It was the 4th time they went for it on 4th down in the 4th quarter too.
Patriots had to go for 2 because of the 1:49 Kick by Gostkowski=149
On the 2 point conversion the ball was tipped by # 21 then intercepted by Bradley Roby.
Twenty Nine=149
He's even born on the 122nd day of the year.
The 31st pick in the draft. (See my previous posts with 31)
When TJ Ward got hurt The Announcers said, "Ward now added to the list of Broncos Shakin Up". I've been covering this earthquake/Dark Knight rises when the Football field collapses and this stood out to me.
Ward born on 12/12 1986. The 1985 Bears won the Superbowl on 1/26 1986. He was the 38th pick in the draft. Born in San Francisco where the Superbowl is. Also interesting he played at Oregon. Lot's of coding to Oregon in regards to Philadelphia and Chip Kelly.
He stuck out to me because of # 86 HINES WARD in the Dark Knight Rises.
After Denver beat the Patriots It came to me that the BATMAN Theater Shooting was in COLORADO just like the Broncos.
James Eagan Holmes=58 (A number I've mentioned with Earthquakes)
James Holmes=120 (Moses dies age 120 SB 50 about Moses)
He Also killed 12 people in the shooting in 2012.
So This year we got a Shooting just like this but at the Movie Trainwreck=122 San Francisco=122.
Originally the reporting said John Russell Houser=239 was 58 years old then they changed it to 59.
Shooting happened at 7:27pm and the investigation at the crime scene finished on 7/27. Superbowl 50 is on 2/7 or 7/2.
It was also exactly 3 years and 3 days after Batman Shooting. This shooting killed 3 people. Philadelphia is 333 years old this year. There may be something at the Superbowl this year, but I still think a lot of this coding is about Philadelphia.
This shooting also happened on 7/23. If you convert 7/23 Julian to Gregorian it's 8/5. On 8/5 we had another Theater shooting in Antioch, Tennessee.
James Holmes was Sentenced on 8/7/15 as well.
Aurora Colorado=67
Antioch, Tennessee=67
Lafayette Louisiana=76
The Month of August was crazy with Batman references. It started on 8/15 at the Iowa State Fair with Donald Trump saying he is Batman.
Then next day the Death of Morgan Freeman's Grand Daughter.
Morgan Freeman=67
She died on 8/16. Fox News had this picture up with her and Freeman with the Dark Knight Rises in the Background. Freeman in the movie as well.
His Granddaughter's name was E'Dina HINES. Instantly reminds me of Hines Ward.
8/15/15 to 2/7/16 is 5 months 23 days. 5/23(143rd day) This year 5/22 is the 143rd day.
See my David Blatt post. This number is connected to disaster/earthquake.
Later on 8/16 Lenny B Robinson the guy who dressed up like Batman and went to hospitals died as well.
Then on 8/17 Yvonne Craig the lady who played Batgirl died.
Lots of other Batman references throughout the rest of the year too.
Guy who created the Batmobile died. Matt Harvey the Dark Knight lost the 111th world series after not coming out of the game until he threw 111 pitches on 11/1. New York=111
Kid wearing Batman shirt who was touched by the Pope died.
Much more....
Freeman also in the movie Oblivion where Tom Cruise says this is where the Last ever Superbowl was played. Interesting enough Morgan Freeman was also in the movie..The Sum of All Fears. Also starring Ben Affleck who is the Newest Batman in Batman Vs Superman.
Batman Vs Superman even coming out on 3/25/16 the 85th day of the year.
In Sum of All Fears, just before there is a terrorist attack on Baltimore. Morgan Freeman is at the Football Game.
Baltimore=41 Superbowl=41
Broncos=41 Peyton Beat the Bears in SB 41.
Ben Affleck=83 Football=83 Jack Ryan=83(His characters name)
The theater shootings also tie into the Civil War/Domestic Violence theme that has been ongoing lately. Lincoln Shot in a Theatre.
Confederate Flag, Race War, lots of stories like this.
Captain America Civil War even coming out soon.
Batman Vs Superman(2 good guys fighting)
Batman vs Superman also coming out 47 days after SB 50.
Remember Superbowl 47 when the power went out for 34 minutes, the game was on the 34th day of the year. Power went out when score was 28-6=34. Ravens won with 34 points.
Superbowl 47 was Ravens vs 49ers. Interesting because 49ers are hosting Superbowl 50. In the Dark Knight Rises the other main guy they show you before the stadium collapses is the kicker. His last name is Ravenstahl.
Also reminds you of the Ravens. The uniform also reminds me of the Panthers.
Right as he kicks it Bane says, "Let the Games Begin"=71
In regards to the stadium collapsing. Check out this:
Levi's Stadium where the Superbowl is going to be played at has problems with the grass collapsing. It even mentions how it collapsed under Justin Tucker..The Kicker of the Ravens.
Ravens lost in Week 6. 20-25=45
Justin Tucker=45, 171 Superbowl 50 on 2+7+20+16=45
Justin Tucker also in SB 47 was involved in the 1st ever "Fake Field Goal"=58 in a Superbowl.
The Yellow Team on Batman is the "Gotham Rogues"=149
Skull and Bones=149
Right as the field explodes they even show the #322. The Skull and Bones number.
Tom Hardy is the guy who plays Bane on Batman.
Tom Hardy=41 Superbowl=41
He's 38 Superbowl is on 38th day.
He also stars in the new movie The Revenant which involves a Bear Attack Scene. Interesting too he is in MAD MAX and the Antioch Theater Shooting was at the Mad Max movie.
We also got the Death of former DIO Bassist the same day the Broncos Beat the Patriots. His first band was even called Wild Horses similar to the Broncos Logo. A Bronco is even a Wild Horse or Untamed Horse.
Also with so much coding to Lupercalia(The Roman Festival of Celebrating and Sacrificing the Wolf) I think of Wolfs Bane.
Just seems fitting with Sacrificing the Wolf and crazy it has Bane involved in it as well.
Interesting too the name Bayne(different Spelling) means Pale Bridge. Lots of foreshadowing of bridges this year. Ben Franklin Bridge, Bridgewater, Golden Gate Bridge.
Christian Bale played Batman in the Dark Knight Rises.
What really sticks out to me is that he also plays MOSES on the new movie Exodus.
They also have been showing the Ad for the new film The Finest Hours. The lady says There's a Storm Coming just like in Batman.
So interesting the Superbowl came down to the White Bronco Vs. The Black Panther like many people were talking about.
If you go back and watch the end of the Panthers game the announcers even say "There's lots of storylines between the Panthers and Broncos". Yeah there is a lot of storylines for sure. So much racial division going on in the Fake Media it seems so obvious. Yet so many story lines it wasn't as obvious as it was in other sporting events this year to me.
FX even has a new series coming out called American Crime Story. on February 2nd it's The People Vs. OJ Simpson.
OJ even finished his career with the 49ers. Wore # 32
He got away in the White Bronco. His trial was a big trial that caused racial division.
Another thing that interests me is the Naked Gun Movies that OJ was in. Doesn't have to mean anything, but I remember OJ was in Naked Gun 33 1/3....33.3 Philadelphia 333 years old. The movie has Fred WARD in it who is going to bomb the Academy Awards. The 2016 Academy Awards are on 2/28/16.
Fred Ward is also in the movie 10.5. The movie about the Big Earthquake in California. Also he's in "Timerider the Adventure of Lyle Swann". This movie I've made a few videos on because it was actually called Timerider the Adventure of LYNN Swann and somehow it's been changed. Similar to Berenstein bears being Berenstain Bears now. It's called the Mandela Effect.
In the first Naked Gun movie there is a bomb at the Major League Baseball game. The killer is trying to kill Queen Elizabeth II as well. I've mentioned her multiple times in this coding. Her 64th anniversary of being Queen will be the day before Superbowl 50.
46 64 mirrors.
The Black Panther Party formed in 1966 in Oakland. (San Fran Bay) Same year as the Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco.
4:45 in 2nd Quarter of Panthers game. # 21 on the Cardinals fumbles the Punt that was recovered by # 21 of the Panthers. Then first play of next drive # 3 Carson Palmer fumbles causing the 3rd turnover of the Cardinals recovered by # 33 Boston of the Panthers on the 31. Newton then throws an interception to # 21.
Halftime score was 24-7=31 Remember Panthers winning 31-0 against Seahawks too.
NFL ON CBS=31, 85
Last Superbowl on CBS was SB 47 the Blackout Bowl.
So with all that........ Who is gonna win???????
ReplyDeleteStill working on it. There's a lot more to look through and think about. I want to rewatch a few of these movies. Only reason I mentioned this SB was coded to the Bears was because of Back to the Future. Turns out it is for sure coded to Chicago and the Bears. Marty's mom in Back to the Future is even Lorraine BAINES. Eventually I'll put up who I think it gonna win, but want to really look and think about all my findings first.