Gematria Effect News got suspended late last night....It's interesting because the video that caused it was about Elon Musk....Remember that Zach's original channel was deleted on Elon Musk's bday in 2017....The day leaving 186 days in the year..
Elon Reeve Musk=186
Zach then did the next episode of the Gematria Effect on the 186th day of 2017 and then took a 2 week break.
His channel was also deleted 186 days after the car crash into his house...which was after The Umbrella Man threatened him and all4truth launched with the Umbrella logo..
Zach Hubbard=186(FB)
He was born the day Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the Moon..
Neil Armstrong=186
Apollo Eleven=186(FB)
The video that just caused the strike was on the 132nd day of the year..
Catholic Church=132
The Umbrella Man=145
The original Umbrella Man comes from the JFK assassination..
Louie Steve Witt=186
Louie Witt=186(FB)
2017 also the year Darren Daulton died and remember how the World Series was synced to Zach's post about Daulton's book..."If They Only Knew"=186...Don Baylor died the next day and his bday was the same as Elon Musk's(6/28)..
2017 was the year I started talking a ton about the Jesuits..Also how the Price is Right was important...This was after my Uncle Barney died at the Jesuit University of Creighton from injuries in a mysterious car crash...Bob Barker grew up in Rosebud Indian Reservation where the Jesuit Priest (Father Paul) I had as a kid spent much of his time...Father Paul died in a bathtub at Creighton 6 months 3 days after the Jesuit anniversary age 63....Barney died age 63...
All of the Jesuit coding I thought was telling us a big event would happen on or around the Jesuit anniversary...then I got a phone call from Las Vegas on the Jesuit anniversary...and then the day before the Vegas Attack Terry Kniess reached out to me...He lives in Las Vegas and was the guy who got the perfect showcase on TPIR..
Terry Kniess=186(FB)
Barney also important to "The Flintstones"=186
Robert Barker=264(FB) and 191
Is this the year he dies?...Alex Trebek/Bob Barker...?
Las Vegas=86
The 186th day of the Tiger Year(2022) is 8/6 and Tisha B'Av.
Tisha B'Av in 2019 began on the 186th day of the Pig Year..
Pigs=186(Eng Ext)...Mary Tofflemire/Umbrella Man Pigs stuff.."Mary Tofflemire"=264(FB)
In 2019 Zach's livestream got hacked and then he got a strike lasting until 6/28....I also had the strike with the Breakfast Club......St. Elmo's Fire came out on 6/28(Brat Pack)...
Porn Hack=86
Molly Ringwald=186
Emilio Estevez=186
This was around the same time as the Lori Loughlin stuff all about 186 and San Francisco....
Recall that 8/6/2018 was important to Molly Ringwald/Pink...Mighty Ducks/Goldberg...Darren Daulton died on 8/6/Alex Jones kicked off social media...I swear all of this is leading up to the date 8/6/2022
8/6 is the 218th day of the year..
Molly Ringwald born on 2/18...John Hughes died on 8/6 and born on 2/18...Martin Luther died on 2/18
Anyway.....notice how this new strike comes 218 days before Elon Musk's bday?
Elon Musk=218(FB)
Barney Murphy=218(FB)
James Jumper=218(FB)
Mary Tofflemire=218(FB)
all4truth was launched 218 days before Zach's bday..
Donald Trump's bday is 186 days before Pope Francis' bday..
The NBA resumed 186 days after Kobe Bryant died. Kobe died 6 months 28 days before his bday..
There's more I could add to this...but just trying to figure out this riddle and how it connects to the Moon....