Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Crazy Town Singer Dead Synced To My Dream Theme Blog Post From November/December

I messaged Sturgill earlier, because someone asked me to DJ on the 4th of July. They said they were Geselle and they were Cheese's girlfriend. I had no idea who Cheese was, so I asked Sturgill if he knew. We figured it out, and joked about Giselle Bundchen trying to get ahold of me...I'm only mentioning this as it may be important to what I'm gonna talk about at a later date.
Anyway, he went on to tell me that the singer from Crazy Town died.

I have a few blog posts about Synchronicity with Crazy Town that involves Sturgill, so I searched "Crazy Town" on my blog. I only have a few posts, and this one sticks out, because it's about the Tua jersey that Sturgill bought me in December 2023. 
Oddly enough, I am wearing that Jersey today..I haven't wore this jersey in a while either, it was just the first clean shirt I found this morning, so I put it on.
In this blog post, I, was talking about a dream that Maci had where I died, and how it was synced to the number 228. 
I just posted an Unpublished Blog Post about it a second ago. I didn't realize I hadn't published it yet. 
In that post, I mentioned how her dream was 2 months 28 days before the psychic ladies bday...and also 228 days before her husband's death anniversary. He's the guy I dreamt would die in high school and then died the next day....that post also involved Sturgill..

Chris Sturgill=228(FB)

When I went to ask Maci he I died in her dream, I noticed that she had a Butterfly by her Snapchat name...and I was having Butterfly syncs around that time, which I thought were connected to the band Crazy Town.

Jason Aldean was synced to this with his song, "Crazytown," and his bday is 2/28.

Hope that makes sense..

But now that I find out the Crazy Town singer dies 228 days after my bday.

He actually died on 6/24, a span of 228 days after my bday.
Notice that I also talked about how that dream about me was 198 days after Sturgill's brother Kirk's death anniversary..I also had a dream with Kirk just after he died. 

The wedding that DJ'ed for the day of Maci's dream was in Charter Oak.

Charter Oak=198(FB)
In my post with the Tua jersey, I mentioned a bunch of 198...
It was connected to my Uncle Barney giving me the Dan Marino jersey years before. I pointed how how Barney died 228 days before Sturgill's bday...but I also thought it was interesting that I had blogged about Barney's brother Ed(My Uncle) and the number 198.

Also, Tua and Dan Marino's are separated by 198 days.
I found out theCrazy Town singer just died 198 days after that Tua jersey blog post.

Or he died a span of 198 days after that post.

I also had that Stroke synchronicity with Ace Ventura and Dan Marino at the bar in Charter Oak in 2022. Maci used to bartend at that bar...it is now closed though. Can't remember if she was working that night either. In that post I mentioned how I was watching the Brooklynn Nets too...
New Jersey..
Getting a New Jersey...

That Stroke stuff was synced to Zach's Sweet Lady..and oddly enough, today is her bday.

Maci Segebart=221 and 49
Shifty died age 49.
221 a big Volcano number.
Notice that Shifty was born on Vulcanalia(Volcano God).

Been showing the connectio.s to the Dream theme with Volcanoes.

Today is 1 month 29 days before  Vulcanalia.

129 the other big Volcano number.

Makes me think of the shiw Manifest with the death date and Volcano.
Today is also 213 days, days after Maci's dream. Or Shifty died a span of 213 days later too.

Think of all the 213  I just mentioned with Volcanoes and my dad.
I originally had a synchronicity with Crazy Town on 3/17/2023...

That was 1 year 3 months 8 days before today.

Today is also 138 days before my bday.

Donald Trump=138?

Not sure what that means, but the date 3/17 is St. Patrick's Day...and recall how I fell down the stairs at Sturgills after DJing St. Patty's day at the bar...then Joe Biden fell up the stairs a few days later on 3/19/2021, which was when the big Volcano narrative started.....Sturgill shares a bday with Biden.

Epic Mazur, the other singer in Crazy Town was born on 8/31...which was big with how the Volcano Theme came along and my son, Alistair, being born on 8/31.

A few last thoughts..
I imagine Tua Tagovailoa is synced to the Hawk Tuah girl that has been memed around.

Plus, Tua and Hawaii...Volcano

Today is also 2 months 21 days, or 82 days before Dan Marino's bday.



Unpublished Blog Post From November 2023-Dream Psychic Theme


Last night I had to DJ a wedding and when I showed up, everyone there was relieved. Apparently, they thought I was supposed to be there a half hour before, but according to my messages, I was on time. No big deal, as I was there in plenty of time and everything went fine lol...I thought this was weird though, because the night before Thanksgiving, the same thing happened. My messages said I started at 9pm, but they wrote 8pm on Facebook. 

Anyway, I DJ'ed the wedding last night, and it got over around midnight. I ended up going back to my town and stopping at the bar to buy a pizza. When I got there, Sturgill was telling me how people at the wedding were texting him, because I hadn't showed up to the wedding yet. Then Maci told Sturgill that she had a dream that I died, so Sturgill thought I died, and that's why I didn't show up to the wedding. Eventually everyone told him that I had arrived at the Wedding though. 

So today, I was gonna ask Maci how I died in her dream on Snapchat...When I went to send her a Snapchat I noticed that she had a BUTTERFLY next to her name...She's the only person on my Snapchat that has a Butterfly next to her as well. Think how I've recently talked about Butterfly Synchronicities.....and something I never really thought about was back in April I was talking about Jason Aldean, the band Crazytown, and their song "Butterfly." I even mentioned how Sturgill was important to that song. 

I'm looking at the DREAM I had in High School about my friends dad dying...and I see that yesterday was 228 days before the anniversary of his death/that dream. 

Yesterday was also 2 months 28 days before that guys wife's bday. She is the psychic lady that I've talked about with it. 

Chris Sturgill=228(FB)

What I find even more interesting is how I've talked about Sturgill's brother dying in car called a Saturn on 5/11/2004...We took that car to my first ever Michigan football game...so on...

Notice yesterday was 198 days after his death day too...

Further, after he died, my band played a benefit show for his brother. Before we played, I had a dream where his brother told me that we should play the song "A Horse with no Name" by America. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Train Bridge in Sioux city Partial Collapse-My Old Post About The Dream Theme with Sioux City Connected to All My Synchronicities Today


I blogged yesterday that I think today is connected to the Bridge Collapse/Drowning Theme. 
Now today we get a partial Bridge Collapse in Sioux City, Iowa, which is about an hour north from me. 

Even funnier that it is a TRAIN Bridge and recall that the DREAM Theme is synced to Trains. 

Train bridge=190
Today leaves 190 days in the year(Although it apparently started going late last night). 
This stands out to me with Aleister Crowley and today being a span of 4 months 18 days before my bday. 
Aleister Crowley=190

I searched my blog for "Sioux City" and go figure, I have a post about the Dream theme. If you get a chance, check out this post lol. It literally involves everything that happened today with my previous post. 
Basically I went and saw the film "The Black Phone" in Sioux City in 2022. We never go to Sioux City, we just randomly decided to do something different that day. 
But notice I talked about my Dad and the date 6/24. I also talked about my uncle Raymond from Seattle, who is randomly in town today. Weirder yet, I mentioned how I had a Dream of trying to take a picture of tin foil...and then my cousin Justin asked me to go to Kentucky with him in the Dream...
This stands out, because my uncle Raymond was in the gas station two times today. The second time was later in the day, and my cousin Justin was in the store at the same time. They didn't come together or anything...I joked that my mom would be coming in at 4, if they wanted to stay and have a family reunion. Now I'm seeing this post where I mentioned my dad, my uncle Raymond, and my cousin Justin? Just can't make it up lol. I even talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer in this post...which is the other thing I've been blogging about. 

Donald Sutherland in "Mr. Harrigan's PHONE"
The Black PHONE
Both came out in 2022...
The Black Phone came out on 6/24. 
I dropped my newer phone and cracked the screen in the early hours of Friday. 

Mr. Harrigan's Phone=184(Number I keep seeing)

Bobby messaged me about this film the other day...I mentioned McMinnville, Oregon in this old blog post..He is from McMinnville, Tennessee. 

June 30th leaves 184 days
July 3rd is the 184th day. (This year it's July 2nd)
7/2 or 72 is important to Aleister Crowley..

I wonder about Australia too...in that post I mentioned how there is another Raymond Behrendt that added me from Australia. There are tons of posts with people telling him Happy Bday on 3/10 too...but it's actually on 3/11....I assume from the time change? Still, it stands out, because 310 was big with Australia and the Buffy narrative. 

The Train/Dream Theme was linked to 3/10 in 2022..
My Dad's Father died on 3/10/2020. 
The 310 mile dust storm in Australia the same day the Buffy narrative began...
Buffy all about 310. 

There was also the big Dust Storm on the anniversary of the Philadelphia Train Wreck in Sioux Falls...

In relation to the Tin Foil synchronicity...

Sam Tripoli=184(FB)(Tin Foil Hat Podcast)

Tin Foil=624(Trigonal)

Bridge Collapse=128

My cousin Justin shares a bday with Hillary Clinton...so it links to the JFK Files stuff with Buffy. 

Supernatural Episode Had Dad Dying After My Blog Post Last Night-My Uncle From Seattle Was At the Gas Station Today-Volcano

Last night I blogged about watching the date 6/24. It's a date important to the Dream theme, and Dream I had about my dad dying on 3/6/2018. I also blogged about Mount Rainier and my trip to Seattle years ago, and showed how it was connected to this as well.

After my blog posts, I layed down in bed and turned on Supernatural. It was Season 2 Episode 1 called, "In My Time of Dying." Go figure, the dad on the show dies in this episode. So I'm blogging about the Dream of my dad dying, and then I watch this episode. It was just the next episode, as I've mentioned I just randomly started watching the show a few days ago. I also blogged about synchronicity with this show and how it was connected to the Dream theme only a few days ago too.

I then get to work today and I see the cheese on the counter like an upside down question mark. I laughed because a symbol very similar to this was on the episode of Supernatural called, "Hell House." Basically they figure out a haunting was fake, because Dean recognizes this symbol is from the band Blue Oyster Cult. 
About a half hour later, I walked around the corner to get some pickles from the cooler, and my Uncle from Seattle was standing there. So I stopped and talked to him a bit. He just randomly decided to come to town and visit for a week lol..Nobody knew he was coming and whatnot..

What are the odds that I would see my uncle from Seattle, just after blogging about this day in my post with my vacation to Seattle, and the connections to the Dream theme? 

I've said it a million times, but you just cannot make this stuff up.

His name sums to 291(FB).
Today is 291 days before my dad's 68th  bday.
Seattle, Washington=68

Denny Behrendt=213
Today is 2 months 13 days after his bday.
His bday is 213 days before mine.
My mom's bday is 2 months 13 days before my dad's.

Seems that next year we may get a Washington Volcano eruption?
Mount Rainier=67
2 months 13 days after today is the day Zach's teacher, John Holloway, died. (9/6)

Mount Rainier is name after Peter Rainier.

Peter Rainier=624(Eng Ext)

Notice that 9/6 to Peter's death day is 213 days.
The picture Wikipedia uses for the main pic of Mount Rainier is from the date 9/6 as well.

Looking at the map of Washington, it makes me think about the Olympics again too. The capital is Olympia. Plus with the psychic Vivian BOND...recall Olympia Dukakis died in connection to Washington and Volcanoes with the James BOND theme...

I've really felt the date 10/6 this year is the main date for the Volcano/Gambling Theme, especially after 4/18 was a dud.

My mom works part time at the gas station. She came in around 4 today and was telling me that my dad turned the air conditioner on. We joked that you know it's hot outside if my dad actually turns the air conditioner on. But then she told me that my dad said he was thinking about going to the Adult Swim at the pool tonight lol. Just funny in relation to the Drowning theme I am talking about with this...and my dad can't swim. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Synchronicity with 1814 on the Psychic Facebook Page-The number 184-Drowning Theme

I blogged a few days ago about how I have an intuition that I'm supposed to talk to this psychic lady that added me on Facebook. 

So I'm sitting here tonight and figured I would find the page and check it out, and possibly message her and whatnot. 

Anyway, only a few posts down on this page there was a lady who posted the meaning of the number 1814. I had to laugh, because I just talked about seeing the number 1814 at work, and I blogged how it was connected to Justin Timberlake being arrested. 

It's just funny, I mean of all numbers to be posted, the number 1814 seems way too random. I also thought it was funny that it talks about 1814 having the energies of 1, 8, and 4.....I've been posting how the number 184 seems significant to the Dream/Psychic theme and such. 

Also, today being 4 months 18 days before my bday....418...184...1814...all the same numbers combo of numbers. 

So I kept looking at the Facebook page and it's somewhat hard to find how to go about getting a reading or how to learn about becoming a psychic and whatnot. So I figured I would just search Yahoo and typed in "How to become a Psychic." 
The first video that came up was the above video by a lady named Victoria Bond. I listened to this video on X2 speed and was thinking how maybe I'm not supposed to talk to the lady from Facebook, but I was supposed to go there and see that 1814 post, which in turn led me to this lady....

And what do you know...

Victoria Bond=184(FB)

Lol, it's just so perfect. 

Another funny thing is the lady who posted the 1814 post is named Claire. This instantly made me think of my daughter Claire...I then remembered something I pointed out long ago...

Claire Bobbi Jo Cowgill=184
Collin Ryan Hansen=184

Before I had any other kids or nieces and nephews it was Claire and Collin. I remember looking at the Gematria and they both had full names that summed to 184.

I think there is something with the Drowning Theme...my sister was just in South Dakota...and Heather at work showed me a picture of the water at Falls Park in Sioux Falls today. Recall that a girl from my sisters town drowned at Falls Park, just after the Eagles won Super Bowl 52....and the Drowning theme is connected to my Dad, who is also important to the number 624...tomorrow is 6/24....

I swear as I just typed my thought about a Drowning theme, my burnout bedroom light just randomly turned on somehow. Like it's been out for days, and out of nowhere the light just turned on. 

I also went to my cousin Timmy's house on Friday...and later in the night his wife Alisha and I talked about this knowledge. Recall that Timmy's dad, Clancy, died in connection to the Eagle symbolism right after SB 52...The Dream I had about my dad dying was also in March after SB 52....and my uncle Clancy was also in that dream......and just as I typed "Dad" a second ago, the TV show my kids are watching said the word "Dad." The synchronicities never stop lol....exactly what Victoria Bond talked about in the above video too. The TV also just said, "Kids Let's go to bed, Tomorrow is gonna be a big day." 

Tomorrow is 2 months 13 days after my dads bday. 
Denny Behrendt=213
I was born 213 days after his bday. 
My mom's bday is 2 months 13 days before his. 

I don't think my dad will drown or die tomorrow...but I bet something he says or does will be part of the riddle. We will see I guess....That dream in 2018 was linked to the FIU Bridge Collapse too...Water/Bridge/Drowning....just seems important to me. 

My dad also has the 424 connection which is related to MONEY...and recall my canceled ski trip in 2022 was connected to Falls Park and the Drowning symbolism...it was also all about the MONEY theme, which seems to be the major theme in the last year. 

Mount Rainier Volcano Story on CNN and the Indiana Fever Falling to 7-11-Aleister Crowley/Volcano Theme


I've been following a theme with Volcano's that is linked to my son Alistair from 2021. 

Today there was a headline story about Mount Rainier being the volcano that scientists are watching the most in the US. 

Go figure that today would be 4 months 18 days before my bday.

418 is the big number with Aleister Crowley, and is also connected to my children. 

Further, today is 2 months 8 days before my son Alistair's bday. 


Mount Rainier=209(FB)
Recall that last year I was talking about Volcano's and Hawaii due to synchronicity, and then 209 days after my bday, a volcano erupted in Hawaii. 

After I saw this story, I looked at the WNBA games today. Sunday's are usually slow at work, so I figured I would turn on a game and bet on one to kill time. 

I noticed the Indiana Fever could become 7-11 if they lost today. 

I also have a post where I had synchronicity with Caitlin, that was synced to Caitlin Clark/Aleister Crowley and Volcano's with Seattle. 

So today being 4 months 18 days before my bday...and the number 711 being important to Aleister Crowley and myself, I bet on Chicago. They were favored pre-game, so I waited until the Fever had a small lead so the odds went up. Not like it was a huge bet lol, but I still think it's funny that Chicago won syncing to my thoughts. 

In relation to Yellowstone, recall that the Gambling theme is synced to Citrine, which is a Yellow Stone, that is supposed to bring wealth. Also, recall that I thought I would win big on 4/18 due to this theme, but ended up losing bad. 

I also have to add this, because I know Zach won't do it. I was reading his blog about this story and he mentions his college professor talking about the threat of Mount Rainier. He looked the guy up and saw that he died 7 years ago. 
Notice the guy was born on 8/2 and died on 9/6...

So he died 35 days after his bday and born on 8/2...

Volcano=35 and 82

If this was anyone that Zach didn't know, it would be a ritual by the Jesuits or some crap lol. 


The point is that this happens all of the time, and Zach is probably supposed to understand something from the connection, but he just refuses to learn more about what he is teaching. 
If these connections are happening all of the time, then how can a person PROVE when it's in the media that it's some ritual? It could be a synchronicity with the people in the news as well. Zach just always seems to skip over anything like this, and brush it off like it's a rare thing, but it's not. I've been trying so hard to not care about him or his decodes, but the fact is that he teaches people things that aren't true, and they fall into it, because they've been groomed by the controlled conspiracy movement. And, he's the guy that everyone finds and knows when it comes to Gematria. Knowing how many people fall victim to him, it makes it hard to move on, and I feel obligated to continually point it out. 
Today is even 28 days before Zach's bday. 

Oddly enough, that guy has name gematria to the Umbrella symbolism too. 
John Holloway=166 and 218(FB)
Both numbers important to the Umbrella/Mind Control Theme. 
He also died a span of 319 days before Zach's bday. 

Think about this in relation to how I'm seeing this with Aleister Crowley. 

319 was also a big number with the Volcano Symbolism connected to my son/NASCAR so on..

I blogged about this number a bunch a while back with 418, due to the connections to Zach/Prince and 319. 
You know what's even crazier....I went to Mount Rainier years ago...I can't remember the exact dates, but I wasn't old enough to drink...So probably 2002-2003....but we met up with a guy named Lynn Smith, and he drove us up Mount Rainier and told us about it and whatnot. 

I wondered if this guy had a Facebook, or what his bday was. When searching, the only post that comes up is one where his nephew shared his obituary. Of course, this post was from 6/23/2014...so it's odd this Mount Rainier story would come up on 6/23/2024. 

I should also point out, that I dated this guys niece, and she had just broke up with me before my trip to Seattle. I didn't even know this guy at all, so it was odd when we met up with her uncle in Seattle of all places. 

Lynn Paul Smith=184

I've been blogging about this number in my last few posts. 

Before I end this post....I haven't posted in a while about the date 6/24...but it is a day I've been waiting for with the Bridge/Earthquake symbolism and a few other things....I didn't realize that it is also a span of 4 months 18 days before my bday...so this makes me think it's important still. Probably just another riddle for the next synchronicity lol, but we will see what we get.