Saturday, June 29, 2024

Synchronicity With Father Symbolism-My Dad Leaving on Vacation Tomorrow, the Day Leaving 184 Days In Year


On 6/23/24, Bobby sent me a message to check out Sean's channel. I went to it and subscribed, but didn't watch any videos. 
I'm waiting on my clothes to dry, because I have to DJ a wedding in a bit, and I went to YouTube and Sean's newest video came up. 

Go figure, he is talking about the date 6/24 and the death of his Father.

I've been following a theme with this for a while, and pointed out a ton of times how the date 6/24 is important. 

Sean doesn't have any other videos about this as far as I can see either, so it's pretty strange this is what he is talking about lol. 

Father=624(FB) and 310(Eng Ext)
Think how I've talked about 310 and 624 recently. 

My dad was born 1 year 9 months 8 days before Sean's father. 
198 has been another important number that is synced to Aleister Crowley and the Hell Theme. 
Further, think how the number 184 was important to this theme, and also my synchronicity with the TV show "Supernatural" and 184. 

My dad was born 184 days before Aleister Crowley's bday. 

Supernatural is also synced to Aleister Crowley with the character Crowley having a heart attack in December, on the Aleister Crowley's death day. 

What's even funnier to me is that my dad is going on vacation tomorrow. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure he said he is going to a wedding in Wyoming. It's just funny as tomorrow leaves 184 days in the year. Think about the volcano symbolism that is connected to this...and think about Yellowstone(Citrine). 

Tomorrow is also the day in history when Father Howard Fitzgerald was in the news for sexual assault...6/30/2014. 
I just blogged how all my 184 stuff previously goes back to the Priest Theme. This makes me think something with Father Howard may come up. Last time I blogged about these connections, we had the crash of the USS Fitzgerald...

7/2/2024 will be 82 days, or 2 months 21 days after my dad's bday. 
82 and 221 both numbers important to the Volcano theme. 
7/2 will also be the 184th day of the year. 
72 also important to Aleister Crowley. 

Sean born on 10/7. 
Sean was also connecting to the show "Lodge 49" in his decode. It's about a guy who is dealing with his father's death and joins a fraternal order. 
The main character is Wyatt Russell. I find this interesting, because his bday is 7/10. This is the day that Daniel Gaul died. The guy who I had a dream would die in High School on 7/9, and then he died the next day on 7/10. His wife is a on...explained this a trillion times lol. 

Bobby originally told me to watch Sean, because of the number 418. Recall that the psychic and this guys death was also synced to 418. 

Recall that in 2018, when I was following this theme with FATHER, it was also connected to a Drowning theme. This is funny as Wyatt Russell is in the film "Night Swim," that is synced to Drowning. 

Another thing I want to write on here, but I don't have time to get a picture. On Wednesday(6/26/24), I took my kids to my parents, drank the Boulevards and such that I blogged about....But my parents also went to a visitation of my Aunt Rosa and Uncle Ron's father who had recently died. An older guy that I know from going to the bar gave them a shirt with a skeleton wearing headphones on it. Apparently, he wanted me to have the shirt, because he thought I would think it was cool. Although, the shirt is a Large, which in no way would fit me lol. I then got a snapchat yesterday from my friend Ryan with a video of the guy telling me that he gave me a shirt. He knew it wouldn't fit, but he wanted me to have it. It's just such a strange thing that I can't wrap my head around why him giving me that shirt is so important...but It's funny to me, as I just blogged about the Tua Jersey that my friend Sturgill gave me, and how it was connected to Shifty Shellshock dying on 6/24. 
In relation to the wedding I'm Djing in a bit. It's in Charter Oak, which is the town I blogged about in that Tua Jersey post. The girl Maci who had the dream about me dying is also in the wedding. The girl getting married has the last name "Fortune."

One last thought....thinking about the Father stuff with The Price is Right...
Drew Carey from Cleveland..
Recall that 624 was a big number with the Cleveland Indians. 

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