Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More About Choronzon and How It Relates to the Super Bowl 52 Symbolism


I just blogged about my 333 and Beebeetown/UFO experience last night. 

I've also been blogging about the connections to Super Bowl 52 with the Stock Market narrative..

Recall that my Uncle Clancy, my grandma died in connection to that Super Bowl. A girl from my sisters town also died in connection to that Super Bowl...and all of this stemmed back to the date 2/11/2017 when I was at my grandmas house with my sister and Uncle Clancy. My grandma lived on Eagle street, and I found out my sister lived on Falcon Ave and her business had the word Eagle in it.  This was just after my Uncle Barney died connected to the Falcons in the Super Bowl too.

Clancy Murphy=316(FB)
Ryan Murphy=316(FB)
Ryan was the only Eagles fan I knew at the time, and Clancys son.
Clancy would then die 3 months 16 days before Ryan's bday.

Grandma Murphy=316(FB)
This is what I always called her.

Anyway, the point I'm making is that on that same day that started the synchronicity, I also went to Beebeetown for a bday party.
The bday party was for my cousin Abe's wife. Oddly enough, my sisters business is coincided with my cousin Abe, and they recently had one of their workers die. 

It just seems so odd considering all of the connections to SB 52 coming back up...and the fact I blogged about Beebeetown again last night.

I also blogged how at that bday party my daughter Claire won 34 tickets on the Gambling Machine...so it's connected to Money yet again...

And recall how the 2024 Super Bowl was on 2/11, and later in the night I won 10 grand on a slot machine that sums to 52.


The bday party I went to was at The Twisted Tail.

The Twisted Tail=333(Rev Composite)

How perfect.

I think I'm supposed to learn something about dropping ego and crossing the abyss. This is because according to Crowley, you have to cross the abyss and confront. Choronzon in order to drop the ego, and gain higher enlightment...this is what I've been talking about for a long time...being stuck and not gaining more enlightenment..it's the most frustrating part of this knowledge. 

Money is part of the ego/material world. 


Mariah Carey's Mother and Sister Died on Same Day-The Charles Manson/Rose Theme-Sid Vicious-Sid From Slipknot Burnt-Aleister Crowley-Choronzon-Philadelphia

I went to Zach's blog a few minutes ago and he had a post about Mariah Carey's mother and sister dying on the same day recently. In the post he also mentions the death of the wrestler Sid Vicious. 

I've been blogging about the Marilyn Manson connections to 316 and how it's related to Charles Manson and such...and seeing a story about Mariah Carey made me think about this narrative again. This is because Mariah Carey Lip singing in 2016 was when I started noticing how the Kneeling during the NFL was synced to Charles Manson and the Helter Skelter Theory. 

So I then figured I would look at Sid Vicious. I figured there had to be a connection to him and Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols. 

As I'm reading about the Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols, it tells us how he went to jail after throwing a bottle at a "The Damned" concert. When in jail someone brought him the book "Helter Skelter" as a gift. 

Recall that Charles Manson is synced to the Rose Theme...this is also why Rose McGowan was important to the Marilyn Manson/JFK stuff...Aleister Crowley's wife was named Rose...so on..

I'm mentioning this, because The Damned were also linked to the ROSE Theme as they had a song called "New Rose" that Guns N Roses covered. 

I also pointed out that The Damned had a bass player named Paul Gray. Recall how Slipknot's bass player was also named Paul Gray, and he was the first of the band to die. His death day is the same day Trump met Pope Francis, which is synced to the Stock Market Money Theme. 

To add to this thought, how Ironic that SID from Slipknot was just in the News as well. He apparently suffered severe burns after a farm explosion. 

And remember how Sid is dating Kelly Osbourne...and I had the synchronicity with Sharon Osbourne that is linked to the MONEY Theme in December 2022. 

I also had the synchronicity with Zenith and the film 
Ice Age Continental Drift=424

This was just after Zenith made the 424 videos with Trump touching the Western Wall....

Recall that Trump touched the Western Wall on the same trip he met the Pope(5/24/2017). 

Recall that my synchronicity with Sharon Osbourne had to do with her being hospitalized. We later found out it was due to taking Ozempic....and then this year South Park released the Obesity special making fun of Ozempic on 5/24. 

It was the 328th episode. 
328 is a big number I've pointed out with Slipknot and the Francis Bacon/CAPITAL Letter ciphers.....recall that 424 is important to  CAPITAL Letters.....Capital...Money. 

It's such a big theme here....

Marilyn Manson important to the Trump assassination attempt, which is also linked to MONEY. The Trump assassination attempt is also linked to Aleister Crowley....think about Ozzy Osbourne in relation to Aleister Crowley. It all seems to be connected back to Crowley. 
Trump met Pope Francis 4 months 18 days before Aleister Crowley's bday too. 

Trump met Pope Francis/Touched Western Wall the same year Charles Manson died. 

I've also mentioned how I named my son Alistair because I had been blogging about Aleister Crowley in 2019. I was pointing out how it was coming up on the 72nd anniversary of him dying at the age of 72...
72 Demons 

My girlfriend then randomly came home without knowing about my blog posts, and suggested we name our kid Alistair. She saw the name on some baby list she was looking at...and I agreed because I thought the synchronicity was funny. 

But I went back and looked at the blog posts I am referring to...and I had two of them from 7/13/2019. 

What are the odds that the Donald Trump assassination attempt would later be on this exact day, and connected to Aleister Crowley? 

And my sons having bday's that are 4 months 18 days apart...
I had the crazy "72" syncs the day my son Zamien was born too..and his name sums to 72 front and back. 

Another interesting thing in relation to my kids is that their names both sum to 333 in the Composite Cipher. 
Crowley's Book 333 is "The Book of Lies." 
He wrote each chapter by the aid of Dionysos..

Think how we just had all the drama with The Last Supper/Dionysos at the Olympics. 
Whenever I think of the number 333 it reminds me of this old video I made. 
On 9/10/2001, I saw a UFO in BeeBeetown, Iowa as I've mentioned a ton of times. It was on Hwy F66...666....and the UFO looked very similar to the "H" looking symbol of the demon Choronzon. 

Think about Lam and such with Aleister Crowley and how Aliens may actually be Demons and such too. 
I'm bringing this up, because Choronzon has the Hebrew value of 333, which is half of the Beast. 
In Thelema, Choronzon is the dweller of the abyss, and destroys the ego. 

I'll have to do more reading on this, but this is what I always think when I see the number 333. 

Think how this was the day before 9/11/2001 too...then George Bush came to Offutt Air Force Base just miles from where I lived....
Think how many people believe that Barbara Bush is the daughter of Aleister Crowley. 

Think how my Uncle Clancy died the same day as Barbara Bush too...and he was synced to the Eagles/Stock Market stuff in 2018. 

Tim Walz and Stock Market synced to this same narrative. 

Recall that Kobe announced his retirement just after the 333rd anniversary of Philadelphia on the 333rd day of the year. 

Philadelphia Eagles=333(Jewish)
Patrick Lavon Mahomes II=333

My son Alistair's bday is synced to the Happy Gilmore/Philadelphia Earthquake narrative too....we had Carl Weathers die, an East Coast earthquake this year...Bob Barker last year...the Jackass(Happy Gilmore guy) died...they are making a Happy Gilmore 2....

Nick Foles just retired from the Eagles, the MVP at Super Bowl 52. 

My son Zamien was born just before Super Bowl 52....my synchronicity had to do with Family Guy(Sylvester Stallone/Tony Danza)...
Rocky/Carl Weathers/72
Danza was also a professional boxer. 

So many thoughts. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The word 'Tarot' on my shirt-Money/Gambling Theme

I've been blogging about the Tarot card synchronicity lately...

Back in March 2021 I blogged about how both of my cars broke down, Jasmine's car got a flat tire, I fell down Sturgill's stairs, and my basement flooded...

My kids played with cards and the 6 of Swords was 1 of 2 cards facing upwards. It was on the top, and it upside down, which meant flooding would happen in your life.

A few weeks ago, I watched the film, "Tarot" on Netflix, and a key moment in the film involves the 6 of Swords....

Ever since watching that film, my basement started flooding again...the fuel pump in my Blazer went out...I had a flat tire on my van yesterday...I also was supposed to have an appraiser come for a loan I'm trying to get.. the day before he was supposed to come, a big chunk of drywall in my bedroom ceiling fell out...so a bunch of bad luck things...I domt even understand the drywall thing lol, cause it's not wet or anything, and I don't see any leaks. Needless to say, I canceled the appraisal.

Anyway, I've been telling everyone at work about this, and how I swear my Tarot cards are cursed lol.

I'm standing here at work today and Cindy comes up behind me and says, "Don't freak out, but it says Tarot on your shirt." 

I had no idea, but it does say Madam Tarot. I'm wearing a shirt that Luckyland Slots sent me in the mail a while back. It lists their 5th anniversary 5 Greatest Slots games on the back. One of them is called, Madam Tarot.

That game released on 10/30/21. Which was the same year I blogged about the happenings with my Tarot cards on 3/26/21.

It's interesting that these days are separated by 147 days too.

My car broke down in 2021, 147 days after I put my Tarot cards in it. 9/19/20 to 2/13/21.

3/26 is also a day that is important to the Angel Gabriel(Synaxis).

Think how Gabriel was synced to the Dream theme and me winning 10 grand earlier this year.

I still feel like I'm supposed to hit a super big jackpot with this theme too. Like all of this bad stuff is the build up to something positive. 


Luckyland Slots=316(Composite) and 316(Rev Composite)

Madam Tarot=456(Satanic)

All numbers associated with the Money Theme..

So maybe I am supposed to play the Madam Tarot game? 

By the way, it was a pretty cool looking shirt before it got faded lol..or at least I thought the design was cool.

The duck that looks like a Tarot reader is playing the Bass Guitar too. Considering I play Bass, that sticks out too.

Ha, and my co-worker Cyndi's name sums to 316(FB)


My Dad Noticed a Synchronicity With "Doctor Odyssey" and my Cousin Ryan Murphy-Money/Bridge/Earthquake-Aleister Crowley-Skull and Bones

I was at my parents house earlier and a trailer for some show "Doctor Odyssey" came on one of the commercials. My dad pointed out how it said, "Ryan Murphy." This is because I have a cousin named Ryan Murphy. My dad also thought it was funny because the trailer shows them on a cruise ship, and my cousin Ryan's wife, works for a Cruise Ship company. 

I had my computer at their house, so I figured I would look up the connection, because even my dad noticed the synchronicity lol. 

Of course, today is 2 months 20 days befor the Producer Ryan Murphy's bday. 

The show is set to air 2 months 20 days after my cousin Ryan's bday. 

Ryan Murphy=220(FB)

My cousin also works at a BANK, and has the 316 connection too. 

Ryan Murphy=316(FB)

Recall that my checks started getting garnished in 2023 and it stopped on my Ryan's father(My Uncle Clancy's) bday. This was important, because my uncle Clancy died in connection to the Eagles winning the Super Bowl, which was synced to the Stock Market/Money narrative. 

Clancy Murphy=316(FB)
Clancy William Murphy=316(FB)

Just after that Super Bowl is when I had the Dream about my Father, and it also had my Uncle Clancy in the Dream. This was 9 days before the FIU Bridge Collapse, so on..

Even more odd is that I have an old blog post where I realized there was a producer named Ryan Murphy, and I talked about how it reminded me of my cousin. It was due to Ronda Rousey and the show "9-1-1" that was created by Ryan Murphy. 

Notice that story was on August 20th as well...
Now I'm having an odd synchronicity with Ryan Murphy again on August 20th. 

Notice I also mentioned Ronda Rousey and the number 220 in that post. 
Ronda Jean Rousey=220

Recall that Ronda Rousey announced she would make her WWE debut in Philadelphia, just before the Eagles won SB 52. 

My Uncle Clancy then died on Roddy Piper's bday. 

All of this had to do with Bridge/Earthquake Symbolism..Hulk Hogan/Roddy Piper...San Francisco/Philadelphia. This was in turn connected to 8/31, with Carl Weathers....and think how I've been following 8/31 recently due to the Aleister Crowley stuff...

It's interesting, because a lot of this was connected to the number 190. 

Rousey won her 34 second fight at UFC 190. 
Rowdy Roddy Piper=190
Rousey's first UFC fight was against "Liz Carmouche"=190
Her final fight was against "Amanda Nunes"=190

Aleister Crowley=190
Donald Trump=190(FB)

I've also had the recent sync with "The Terminator"...and recall how the Ronda Rousey stuff was linked to T3, Triple H...and the Golden Gate Bridge. 

San Andreas=190(FB)

I think there is something here with Joshua Jackson being the star of "Doctor Odyssey" too. Recall that my uncle Clancy was born on 3/22...think about Jackson in the film, "The Skulls." 

I've had the recent syncs with Skulls.

Triple H wore the Skull costume at his Terminator Entrance. 

Stone Cold Steve Austin(316) and Skulls

San Francisco=254(FB), 202
Skull and Bones=254(FB) , 202

San Francisco=322(Rev Composite)
Today is even a span of 322 days before my cousin Ryan's next bday. 
My cousin Ryan and uncle Clancy's bday's even a span of 3 months 16 days apart. 
Ryan Murphy=316(FB)
Clancy Murphy=316(FB)
You just can't make it up. 
Clancy even died 2 months 20 days before Ryan's bday. 

Recall that the number 220 is important to Aleister Crowley as well. 
CCXX is the Roman Numeral for 220. 
He chose this because it represents the Tree of Life..10 numbers times 22 paths. 

The Book of the Law: Liber Al vel Legis=316
Aleister Crowley=316(Composite)

Liber Al vel Legis=333(FB)
Think how this number is important to my Kids and their sync to Crowley with 418....93...72...

Think about the Ryan Murphy show "9-1-1" in relation to George Bush and 911....Bush in Skull and Bones. 

George Walker Bush=333(FB)

Think how the Umbrella Symbolism is linked to Aleister Crowley...and the Umbrella Man also linked to the Skull and Bones.
I have the connection to Skull and Bones. 
Zach has the Skull and Bones Connection. 

Joshua Jackson=292(FB) 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Topanga Has Breast Cancer-Amish Synchronicity and stream of Conscious Thoughts


Danielle Fishel aka Topanga on Boy Meets World announced she had breast cancer today.

Considering, I've had the synchronicities with Boy Meets World in relation to Tyra Banks, I figured I'd measure to her bday.

Of course, today is a span of 3 months 16 days before Tyra's bday.

Think how 316 is a pattern I've been following in relation to Money/Stock Market. 

Notice that back when I was talking about my synchronicities, I thought it was linked to a MONEY theme. 

As I'm looking this up, I got a Snapchat from Sturgill. He was driving down the road and some Amish guy was riding a bike. He made some joke about the guy getting pulled over in Harrison County and getting his horse taken away.

I wondered if maybe this might be connected to Zachs synchronicity with Amish that I blogged about in July. As I was looking at the Gematria, I noticed that Sturgills name sums to 292(Rev Composite) and 292(Composite).

It stood out, because it's the first time I've seen a word in the Composite cipher be the same forward and reverse.

But I feel like it was somehow related..

Boy Meets World=292(Rev Composite)

Danielle Fishel=292(Eng Ext)

English Extended is a cipher I've pointed out that always seems to link to my synchronicities, and assure me I'm on the right track with my thoughts.
I further know it's somehow important to him, because the last time I saw Katie from the Topanga sync, was at the bar with Sturgill.
Another reason the Amish thing stood out, was because I was on Facebook this morning and I saw this post...no idea if the guy is Amish, but his beard made me think of an Amish guy. 

Bill is the guy I was talking about in my Skull Tshirt post a while back. I got that shirt from Sully....and Sully has a brother nicknamed, Roach...When I pulled into work today, Roach was the first guy I saw in the parking lot too, so I found it odd that Bill shared a post about a guy with the last name Roach dying.

Considering, the Amish guy Sturgill snapchatted was riding a bike, I can't shake the connection to Joe Biden wrecking his bike. Recall, Sturgill shares a bday with Joe Biden...
I also had the Tarot synchronicity and in that old post I mentioned how I fell down Sturgills stairs the same day Biden fell on the stairs...and Biden falling on the stairs to his Bike wreck was 456 days later, the MONEY number...

Oddly enough, my band played Bikapalooza on Staurday too..it's a bunch of people who rode bikes like a small Ragbrai. 

Even more odd is that Roach that know has a daughter who rides bikes and puts videos of her ride on Facebook lol...so there seems to be a bicycle theme with all of it...

Possible there is an important Bike episode of Boy Meets World?

Katie's bday is 9/17, which is 64 days before Biden/Sturgills..

Joe Biden=64

Friday the 13th was also important in my old Boy Meets World posts...
I just blogged about my drummer and the Rose Theme...and recall his bday was on Friday the 13th last year, the same day I DJed the ROSE Wedding....well go figure, the ROSE guy who got married ordered a sandwich earlier...I barely even see him, so for him to order a sandwich today, makes it seem important.

I bet I see Katie on the upcoming Friday the 13th too(9/13)...I'm DJing her relatives wedding on the 14th, so I wouldn't doubt if she's in town on the 13th.

Another reason I think the Tarot synchronicity is related, is that my Blazer won't start now. Last time I got the Tarot cards, my basement flooded, both my cars broke down...Jasmines jeep got a flat tire, our dryer quit working, and I fell down Sturgills stairs lol...
So my basement has flooded, and now one of my cars isn't working.

Today is 93 days before Sturgills bday..
It's also 337 days after Katie's bday.
337the Composite is 418.

The stairs falling was linked to Volcano/NASCAR and my son Alistair...so I'm still paying attention to 8/31.

A few other things I noticed...

This comes 259 days before Danielle Fishels bday.
It's also 259 days after Tyra's bday.

Tyra Banks=184(FB) and 186(Composite)

The whole Boy Meets World sync began with a comment on my Umbrella video..and a huge Umbrella number is 186.

Recall the Umbrella Theme is linked to Aleister Crowley.

Man, I have so many odd syncs all day that I don't blog about...but just a second I was randomly thinking about Charlie Gotto, and then I went around the corner to see him standing up front...so may have to look at him too..it's just too much sometimes. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Marilyn Manson Releases "Raise The Red Flag" Video and His First FEMALE Band Member, Reba Meyers-The Rose Theme


Marilyn Manson released another song and video on 8/16/24 called "Raise The Red Flag." 

The first thing that stood out to me is that there was a woman playing in the band. This is the first female band member of Marilyn Manson, and she debuted at the show on 8/2/24. 

Reba Meyers=316(FB)

Just think about this in relation to Marilyn Manson being important to the election with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Think about Kamala Harris and the possibility of the first female president. Now Marilyn Manson adds his first ever female band member..and to top it off, her name sums to 316, the big number with the whole narrative I am talking about lol. 

She's also in the band "Code Orange." 

Code Orange=290(Rev Composite)

I have to start documenting this number. I have been seeing the number 290 all over the place lately. 

Raise The Red Flag=424(Rev Composite)

Once again, 424..Trump...Savior of Ukraine..

Raise the RED Flag makes me think of Russia. 

Raise The Red Flag=138
Donald Trump=138

The video released on 16/8. 
Marilyn Manson=168 and 220(FB)
Vladimir Putin=168 and 220(FB)
Reba Meyers=220(FB)
Donald John Trump=220
This video came 2 months 20 days before the election. 

220 is also the other number on the cover of "The Book of the Law." 

Marilyn Manson/Charles Manson. 

Recall that Kamala was acting president on 11/19, the day in history that Charles Manson died...and Charles Manson was born on the 316th day. 

I wouldn't doubt if we get more of the ROSE connection stuff...
There's so much here, but think how Slipknot is also important to Charles Manson and the PIG Theme....Marilyn Manson also added "Piggy D" to his band. 

Charlie Rose=184(Dream Theme Number)

I'm just looking back at that narrative...
It had to do with Charlie Rose, Robert Duvall and Marilyn Manson all having a bday on 1/5. 

Notice Robert Duvall's wife is also born on 1/5. He met her while in Argentina for the film "Assassination Tango." Just seems to fit the narrative. 

Luciana Pedraza=184(FB)

Think how I had the DREAM about Marilyn Manson. In that blog post I also talked about synchronicity with the film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." 
I find this funny, because last night at my band gig, my drummer was telling me how he watched Terminator 2 the night before. I laughed and told him that I just watched it a few days ago too. It was random too, I never brought up anything about my sync, he just randomly was telling a story and then said he watched that movie. 

But...recall my Drummer's bday is 10/13, which was synced to the ROSE Theme.