Thursday, June 27, 2024

Synchronicity with My Cousin Jacob and Story About Powerball Winner-Dream/Psychic Theme

A few days ago my boss gave me some free beers. Sometimes if a six pack breaks, they just give me the rest of the beers that didn't break. It's been a while since this has happened, but the other day she gave me a beer called "Boulevard."

I then went on to tell her a story how my cousin Jacob used to drink this beer all the time. This is because he lived in Missouri, and the beer is made in Kansas City.

My son Alistair has never had a haircut, and yesterday he got it cut really short. I took him over to my parents to show them and whatnot. We were there for a few hours and I ended up drinking the Boulevards.

Then late last night I was on my computer in bed waiting for my phone to charge. I went to Facebook and saw my co-worker posted a story about some people who won the Powerball. For whatever the reason, I decided to read the story.
Of course, the story was about people who won in Dearborn, Missouri, a town of like 500 people. This stood out, because my cousin Jacob used to live in Dearborn for a good part of his life. I'm pretty sure that we even stole a bunch of bagged ice years ago from the gas station they won this powerball ticket from lol. It was possibly a different store though. But it almost has to be the same one. This stands out, because at my job, we have to lock the ice all day now, because someone stole ice...and I've told the story of stealing ice a million times since. I just looked at the picture of the gas station on Google, and I'm almost 100 percent sure that is the gas station. 

I posted Jacob's sisters Facebook to prove they lived in Dearborn, MO too. 
Now today I get a notification of my Facebook memories, and of course, it's a picture from a floating trip I did with my cousin Jacob. They made some banner about a beat off sock and put it on my tent lol.

I'm just trying to figure this sync out. 
It's funny that it deals with the Gambling, because my cousin Jacob's old girlfriend named "Lani" is part of the Dream/Psychic Theme from 2021. 
Jacob's bday is also 4/24, and recall that 424 is synced to Money/Trump. 

Lani O'Dell=165(FB)
Sylvia Browne=165(Got Her book from Lani)
I've been following the date 10/6 a lot with this theme. Notice that Lani's bday is a span of 184 days after 10/6.
184 a big number I've been talking about lately with the Dream/Psychic Theme.  

Sylvia Browne's bday was 10/19, which is 10/6 on the Julian Calendar. Something I just mentioned. 


Jacob used to have a neighbor named "Jenny Jones" too. This is funny in relation to Montel, because Jenny Jones was a Talk Show Host back in the day as well. We always thought her name was funny, because of this. 

So who knows, just had to document the synchronicity. I'm sure it will come back up, or more will go with it. 

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