Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Unpublished Blog Post From November 2023-Dream Psychic Theme


Last night I had to DJ a wedding and when I showed up, everyone there was relieved. Apparently, they thought I was supposed to be there a half hour before, but according to my messages, I was on time. No big deal, as I was there in plenty of time and everything went fine lol...I thought this was weird though, because the night before Thanksgiving, the same thing happened. My messages said I started at 9pm, but they wrote 8pm on Facebook. 

Anyway, I DJ'ed the wedding last night, and it got over around midnight. I ended up going back to my town and stopping at the bar to buy a pizza. When I got there, Sturgill was telling me how people at the wedding were texting him, because I hadn't showed up to the wedding yet. Then Maci told Sturgill that she had a dream that I died, so Sturgill thought I died, and that's why I didn't show up to the wedding. Eventually everyone told him that I had arrived at the Wedding though. 

So today, I was gonna ask Maci how I died in her dream on Snapchat...When I went to send her a Snapchat I noticed that she had a BUTTERFLY next to her name...She's the only person on my Snapchat that has a Butterfly next to her as well. Think how I've recently talked about Butterfly Synchronicities.....and something I never really thought about was back in April I was talking about Jason Aldean, the band Crazytown, and their song "Butterfly." I even mentioned how Sturgill was important to that song. 

I'm looking at the DREAM I had in High School about my friends dad dying...and I see that yesterday was 228 days before the anniversary of his death/that dream. 

Yesterday was also 2 months 28 days before that guys wife's bday. She is the psychic lady that I've talked about with it. 

Chris Sturgill=228(FB)

What I find even more interesting is how I've talked about Sturgill's brother dying in car called a Saturn on 5/11/2004...We took that car to my first ever Michigan football game...so on...

Notice yesterday was 198 days after his death day too...

Further, after he died, my band played a benefit show for his brother. Before we played, I had a dream where his brother told me that we should play the song "A Horse with no Name" by America. 

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