Sunday, June 23, 2024

Synchronicity with 1814 on the Psychic Facebook Page-The number 184-Drowning Theme

I blogged a few days ago about how I have an intuition that I'm supposed to talk to this psychic lady that added me on Facebook. 

So I'm sitting here tonight and figured I would find the page and check it out, and possibly message her and whatnot. 

Anyway, only a few posts down on this page there was a lady who posted the meaning of the number 1814. I had to laugh, because I just talked about seeing the number 1814 at work, and I blogged how it was connected to Justin Timberlake being arrested. 

It's just funny, I mean of all numbers to be posted, the number 1814 seems way too random. I also thought it was funny that it talks about 1814 having the energies of 1, 8, and 4.....I've been posting how the number 184 seems significant to the Dream/Psychic theme and such. 

Also, today being 4 months 18 days before my bday....418...184...1814...all the same numbers combo of numbers. 

So I kept looking at the Facebook page and it's somewhat hard to find how to go about getting a reading or how to learn about becoming a psychic and whatnot. So I figured I would just search Yahoo and typed in "How to become a Psychic." 
The first video that came up was the above video by a lady named Victoria Bond. I listened to this video on X2 speed and was thinking how maybe I'm not supposed to talk to the lady from Facebook, but I was supposed to go there and see that 1814 post, which in turn led me to this lady....

And what do you know...

Victoria Bond=184(FB)

Lol, it's just so perfect. 

Another funny thing is the lady who posted the 1814 post is named Claire. This instantly made me think of my daughter Claire...I then remembered something I pointed out long ago...

Claire Bobbi Jo Cowgill=184
Collin Ryan Hansen=184

Before I had any other kids or nieces and nephews it was Claire and Collin. I remember looking at the Gematria and they both had full names that summed to 184.

I think there is something with the Drowning sister was just in South Dakota...and Heather at work showed me a picture of the water at Falls Park in Sioux Falls today. Recall that a girl from my sisters town drowned at Falls Park, just after the Eagles won Super Bowl 52....and the Drowning theme is connected to my Dad, who is also important to the number 624...tomorrow is 6/24....

I swear as I just typed my thought about a Drowning theme, my burnout bedroom light just randomly turned on somehow. Like it's been out for days, and out of nowhere the light just turned on. 

I also went to my cousin Timmy's house on Friday...and later in the night his wife Alisha and I talked about this knowledge. Recall that Timmy's dad, Clancy, died in connection to the Eagle symbolism right after SB 52...The Dream I had about my dad dying was also in March after SB 52....and my uncle Clancy was also in that dream......and just as I typed "Dad" a second ago, the TV show my kids are watching said the word "Dad." The synchronicities never stop lol....exactly what Victoria Bond talked about in the above video too. The TV also just said, "Kids Let's go to bed, Tomorrow is gonna be a big day." 

Tomorrow is 2 months 13 days after my dads bday. 
Denny Behrendt=213
I was born 213 days after his bday. 
My mom's bday is 2 months 13 days before his. 

I don't think my dad will drown or die tomorrow...but I bet something he says or does will be part of the riddle. We will see I guess....That dream in 2018 was linked to the FIU Bridge Collapse too...Water/Bridge/Drowning....just seems important to me. 

My dad also has the 424 connection which is related to MONEY...and recall my canceled ski trip in 2022 was connected to Falls Park and the Drowning was also all about the MONEY theme, which seems to be the major theme in the last year. 

1 comment:

  1. I was just telling Sean about how "Bonds" = "Venus".

    Battle of New Orleans. In 1814 we took a little trip.
