Thursday, October 10, 2024

Demon Dream Last Night and Synchronicity at Work

 I had another vivid and crazy dream this morning. I was in my bedroom, except there was a door that led outside to a ledge. My kids kept going out by the ledge and I didn't want them to fall, so I told them to not go out the door. 

My room then had an old man laying in my bed and some other old man with a light above his head and a walker was standing by the bed. They were talking about some demon. 

My phone then rang and I answered it. It was a demon that told me he was going to "Take me out" tomorrow. He then asked if I wanted the power, which meant that he would give me power if I made a deal with him. I told him that I wanted power, but I'm not making a deal for it. 

I then went to bed thinking how I had to find a priest the next day, to stop the demon from taking me out. I ended up taking 2 vacuum cleaners to some Doctors office looking place. I went there, because David Acosta, the priest from the TV show "Evil" was there. I thought he could help me. I walked in and the girl working was some girl I see in the store, but I don't know her name. She told me they were closed, but I could leave the vacuum cleaners. I was then going to ask if David Acosta was there, but the Doctors Office turned into a grocery store. As I was at the checkout, every aisle had 1 person dancing in it. The only one I recognized was an old friend named Matt...

My debit card wouldn't work, and then all the sudden I was back at my house in my room. Zamien woke up and went downstairs and I begged him to stay upstairs so the demon would leave me alone. I followed him downstairs and a bunch of people were in my living room. No one believed me about the demon and I walked halfway up my stairs and yelled down, his name is Azazel. As I yelled the name, some Creepy lady looked up the stairs at me and smiled. Like one of those creepy possessed smiles from the movies. I took it that the lady was the demon, and smiling cause no one believed me.

I then got back to my room and the demon was attacking the old man on my bed. The other old man with the light above his head was trying to fight it, and I started helping him.  Although, I couldn't do anything, because I was unable to grab it. It then started attacking me. The man with the light walked out of the room with his walker, and then I woke up. 

I then got to work this morning and walked to the kitchen. The song "Another Night" by Real McCoy was playing. This is funny, because the lyrics are, "I talk to you, in the night in your dreams."

I don't see any Gematria connections to this at the moment. But still an interesting synchronicity.

I'm now looking up Dreams in relation to Demons, and I found this which I think is funny. A demon that smiles at you in a Dream can mean good luck. 

Considering the Dream/Father Symbolism..

Notice today is 183 days before my dad's bday, and 183 days after my dads bday.

I also have a post from a few weeks ago in relation to Brett Favre and Dale Earnhardt Jr. having bdays today on 10/10.
I just went to that post and I see Bobby commented about ABBA being 1221, which was also important to that post.

This is funny, because not too long after "Another Night" played, the song, "Dancing Queen" was playing. But it sounded like Cher was singing it, so I asked if it was Cher. Then the owner acted like I was the only person on the planet that didn't know Cher sang that song lol...I had to look it up, because I swore it was ABBA. And sure enough, Cher just did a remake of it in recent years. I thought for a second some Big Mandela Effect thing was going on lol.
I also had the Dream on 6/4 that I connected to ABBA and the Volcano symbolism.

Abba means Father.

I should point out that Azazel is an important demon in Supernatural too..Although, I didn't realize his name until looking up the word and finding this out. I also haven't watched much of Supernatutal lately. I did turn it on last night, but fell asleep like 10 minutes later, and Azazel was not in the episode.


  1. This morning I saw a Facebook reel of Iniko doing a cover of Mad World.

    And I find it kinda funny
    I find it kinda sad
    The dreams in which I'm dying
    Are the best I've ever had

  2. I guess the universe wanted me to add that Iniko is wearing a Death Note costume because when I woke up this morning the TV started playing "Meet Joe Black". Ya know the movie about "Death". Cue Twilight Zone music.
