Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden Drops Out of Race 456 Days Before Kamala Harris Bday-The Squid Game/Money/Stock Market Narrative With Pope Francis-Donald Trump-Harris-Francis Scott Key Bridge-The Simpsons


Recall that in Squid Game the main character is player number 456. 
The winner of Squid Game receives 45.6 Billion Wan. 

Seong Gi-hun=456(Jewish)(Main Character)

After the first game in the movie, there are 201 players left. The show also aired 201 days after National Pig Day. This is important due to the 45.6 Billion Wan being inside a giant PIGGY Bank. 

The number 201 is a number we have noticed in connection to the Jesuits and Pope Francis. 
Jorge Mario Bergoglio=201(Pope Francis)
He's the first Jesuit Pope, and the first Pope to stay in Room 201 at the Vatican called the Domus Sanctae Marthae. 

Domus Sanctae Marthae=201

A long list of 201 and the Jesuits, such as how Catherine the Great once preserved the Jesuits by saving 201 of them. 

Ignatius of Loyola=201
Francis Xavier=201(FB)

So on..
This connection seemed to make even more sense considering that "Squid Game" released 456 days before Pope Francis' 86th bday. 

In relation to Money, the Stock Market Crash was in 1929, which was the same year that Vatican City was established. 

After "Squid Game" released in 2021, we then got headline stories in the news about Joe Biden meeting Pope Francis for the first time as President, and another story about Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, granting unemployment benefits for people fired for not being vaccinated. 
Both of these stories happened on 10/29/21, which was the anniversary of the Stock Market Crash. 

Squid Game being synced to PIGGY Bank and the Pig Symbolism was also important to IOWA, as Iowa is the United States leading producer of Pigs/Pork. China is the Worlds leading producer of Pigs/Pork. This is something I pointed out in 2019, which was during the Chinese Year of the PIG. In 2019, we were following a major theme with Tisha B'Av that fell on 8/10-8/11. I talked about it being synced to the Iowa State Fair with the band Slipknot performing for the first time at the Fair on 8/10/19.  Slipknot's first member to die was "The Pig," Paul Gray. China was also hosting that years Worlds Fair, and this is why the Washington Nationals went on to win the World Series that year...The Nationals used to be the Expos, which were named after the World Fair. 

Anyway, the biggest story we got on 8/11 was about the Hong Kong Riots. 
The date 8/10, also just so happened to be Herbert Hoover's Birthday. 

Herbert Hoover was the only president from Iowa, and he was the president during the Stock Market Crash. 

A few months after this we then had South Park banned in China, and then their next episode was about Cartman turning into a PIG when the doctor tried to give him his vaccine. This seemed to be an obvious shot at China and the Chinese Pig Year. And then a few months later, we had Coronavirus that supposedly came from China..think about the Vaccine/Pig episode in relation to this.. also Event 201 about the Coronavirus Pandemic simulation in October on...

2019 was also the year that we really started seeing the importance to the Capital letter ciphers. At the time, and all of the time leading up to this, we referred to them as the Francis BACON ciphers, so it seemed to be important. As we studied them, we realized, they were absolutely synced to the news stories. 

Bacon..Pig...Bringing Home the Bacon(Money). 

We later realized how Francis Bacon Ciphers were important to Capital Letters, and how it was synced to Donald Trump in relation to the Capitol Insurrection too. 

After I saw the stories of Biden meeting Pope Francis and a story of Kim Reynolds in the News on the 2021 anniversary of the Stock Market Crash, I knew there had to be something to it. 

This is because the day Donald Trump met Pope Francis, 5/24/2017, was also the day that Iowa Governor, Terry Branstad, stepped down to become the US ambassador to CHINA. This means that Kim Reynolds became the Iowa governor on the same day that Donald Trump met Pope Francis. 

I then saw that Donald Trump met Pope Francis a span of 4 years 5 months 6 days before Joe Biden met Pope Francis. Recall that the number 456 was important to "Squid Game" with MONEY and Pope Francis. 

Around this same time is when I discovered that Kamala Harris was born on the exact day that Herbert Hoover died.  10/20/1964. 
Another reason I knew there was something synced to the Stock Market narrative in 2021 after Squid Game, was that the Stoneman Douglas shooter, Nikolas Cruz, plead guilty on Kamala Harris' bday. 

Recall how Stoneman Douglas was on Valentines Day, just after Super Bowl 52, which was synced to the Stock Market, and also Kneeling during the National Anthem. 
Herbert Hoover was also the president who signed "The Star Spangled Banner" into Congress as the official National Anthem of the United States. Super Bowl 52 was played at US BANK Stadium. 

This is why the day after Super Bowl 52, the headline story was "Market Meltdown" and the Dow fell 1,000 points. 

It's also why we had the Stoneman Douglas shooting on Valentines Day after Super Bowl 52. Recall that the St. Valentines Day Massacre happened in 1929, the same year as the Stock Market Crash. It happened in Lincoln Park..and recall how in July before Stoneman Douglas, the lead singer of the band Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, died. The Home Alone Actor, John Hughes, also died around that time, and Home Alone is set in Chicago, and has the Gangster shooting scene in the film. There was also a shooting at the Jaquees Concert in Chicago around this time. The media referred to this shooting as a Gangster Shooting.  The original St. Valentines Day Massacre was a Gangster Shooting...and then the next Valentines Day, we got the Stoneman Douglas shooting.  Home Alone II also has Donald Trump. 

Anyway, the point I'm making is that the Stoneman Douglas shooter plead guilty on Kamala Harris' bday in 2021. Considering, she was born the same day that Herbert Hoover died, the Stock Market/Valentines Day connection made sense. 

The Donald Trump assassination attempt is also linked to Stoneman Douglas as it was in Parkland, Florida...JFK died in Parkland Hospital..JFK died after meeting the on..
To take this narrative even further, notice that Joe Biden recently had another meeting with Pope Francis on 6/14/24. This was Donald Trump's birthday of all days. 

Recall that the first time Biden met Pope Francis was at the Inauguration of Pope Francis on 3/19/13. This was when he was the Vice President to Barack Obama. 

Barack Obama=456(FB)
Obama and Kim Reynolds share a bday. 

The date 3/19 is the day "The Simpsons" episode with Lisa as President after Donald Trump came out. This episode was linked to Kamala Harris, who wore the exact outfit as Lisa Simpson at her Vice President Inauguration. 

There is more to this as well in regards to the Pearl Necklace and the death of Queen Elizabeth II that I will skip over, but know that Queen Elizabeth II died a span of 456 days before the Pearl Harbor anniversary. 

And recall that Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Stock Market Crash all happened during a Chinese Snake Year. The next Chinese Snake year begins on 1/29/25. Think about this in relation to Squid Game and the Chinese Pig Year too. It seems these Chinese Years have importance. 
Also, recall that Biden fell going up the stairs of Air Force One on 3/19/21. This was 456 days before he wrecked on his bike on 6/18/22. 
He wrecked on his bike just before Trump's ex-wife Ivana died from falling down stairs. He fell up the stairs just after I fell down the stairs on 3/18/21 too...and 3/19/21 was the Big Volcano symbolism day with my son Alistair. Too much to re-explain, but I've been blogging about it again recently. 
The main reason that I am bringing this Stock Market/Squid Game narrative back up is that Joe Biden just dropped out of the race 456 days before Kamala's 61st bday. 

I've also blogged like crazy about the connection to 316 with the Trump assassination/Biden dropping out in relation to the Stock Market Crash. 

Notice that the date 3/16 was 456 days before Donald Trump's bday this year, which was when Joe Biden met Pope Francis again. 

The Trump assassination attempt was 3 months 16 days before the Stock Market Crash anniversary. 
Donald Trump=316(FB)
Herbert Hoover=316(FB)
JD Vance's bday is 316 days before Trump's
Joe Biden dropped out of the race 3 months 16 days before the Election. 
Super Bowl 52 was 316 days before Pope Francis' bday. 
The Stock Market Crash was 316 days after Pope Francis' bday. 

The Stock Market Crash was 3 months 16 days before Valentines Day. 

Ukraine's president compared Russia's invasion to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor on 3/16. Trump is the Saviour of Ukraine/424 stuff. 

We also started learning the importance of Composite numbers around the time of the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse that was linked to Super Bowl 52/Stock Market/Kneeling...

Stock Market Crash=316(Composite)

Herbert Clark Hoover=456(Reverse Composite)
Notice that next year on 3/16/25, during the Snake year, it will be a span of 456 days after Pope Francis' 88th bday too. 

Recall that Super Bowl 52 was all about the number 88. 
It was in the 88th anniversary of the Stock Market Crash. 
US Bank Stadium=88
The Star Spangled Banner=88
Colin Kaepernick=88
Herbert 88
Hubert Humphrey..HH 88

It will also be Super Bowl LIX aka Super Bowl 59 next year. 

Super Bowl LIX=59
Stock Market Crash=59
Pope Francis=59
Kamala Harris is currently 59 years old, although she will be 60 during SB 59. 

I left this comment to Zenith, but it got ghosted, so I'm just adding it here in case I missed something. 
I also still think there is something very important to the number 233 with the Composite stuff. 

Pope Francis' inauguration was on the 13th anniversary of the Simpson's Lisa President episode. 
He became Pope on 3/13/13. 

The 13th Fibonacci is 233..

2nd prime is 3...6th prime is 13...2/6/6..
Pope Francis the 266th Pope. 
He came to the US on his 266th day as Pope. 

Composite and Primes the opposite of each other. 



  1. It would seem Kamala certainly has the Venus connection. She was born exactly 75 Venusian years before the Golden Gate at 267 degrees ...hmm!
    For the inferior conjuction of Venus on the 1st June 2028, Kamala would have been in office a span of 1229 days ...201st prime!!

  2. AND JD Vance brought onto the team to counter Kamala ...
    Vance was born exactly 13,929 days ÷ 224.695 = 62.00 venusian years after Trump was born on the total eclipse.
    Venus = 81/18 Vance = 18
    Vance born 8.11am
    Kamala selected by Joe on August 11th 2020 ...
    In the Squid TUG OF WAR game,
    the 10 members of the 456 team numbers add to 2109 ...the 18th square pyramidal.
