Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dream Last Night Connected To France


I blogged last night about the Dream Theme and possibly I may have a revealing dream.

In that post I also mentioned how it may be connected to France.

Well, last night I had a strange dream that I was at a party and the cops came. I wasn't old enough to drink, so we left and got away in my car. My car then broke down and my friend Darveaux ran up the hill to hide. We never got busted, and when after a while Darveaux came out of hiding, and we started walking home. He was on leave from the military in the Dream. His mom kept calling and telling him he had to be home by Friday...and he kept telling me that his mom was saying this, but he really didn't have to be home on Friday. So it seemed that Friday was important to this Dream.

Another thing in the Dream was that the song, "Turn Down For What" was playing in the background the whole Dream makes no sense, because this song came out well after I was 21 years old. I was like 31 years old when the song came out lol.

 Anyway, the name Darveaux is French...and I looked up the song and it's by Lil Jon and DJ Snake. I see DJ snake is from France. So it seems to me that the Dream was telling me that the France part of my blog post is important.

I should point out that I haven't seen Darveaux since last year, and I rarely see him. I don't even have his phone number or anything anymore, and he lives in Florida. This makes it more odd that I would have a dream involving him.

I've been watching for 6/7 as well with the Volcano symbolism that is linked to France in a roundabout way...we just had the Hawaii Volcano erupt again...

6/7 will be this Friday, which is interesting with my Dream.

6/7 is also Allen Iverson's bday, which is synced to my previous post.

DJ Snake is born on 6/13, which is 9 days after 6/4...a date I mentioned in the previous post.

Another interesting thing about Darveaux is that he is married to Jon Bon Jovi's cousin. Recall that Bon Jovi was synced to the Train/Dream Theme in 2022, and then the bassist for Bon Jovi died on 6/5/22. This was all because of a synchronicity I had with my aunt Rosa in March 2022..and her husband died the same day as the 2015 Philadelphia trainwreck...and was born on 6/4, the big Dream date.
We recently had a story about Jon Bon Jovi's son, Jake, getting married to Millie Bobby Brown too...

She's "Eleven" on Stranger Things..

I'm just gonna follow my stream on consciousness here too...when I think of  "Turn Down For What," I'm reminded of the DJ's who fake people out and play "Dancing Queen" on the breakdown.

Dancing Queen is by Abba, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 with the song "Waterloo." This song involves France and the Napoleanic Wars. 

Think how Eurovision was synced to the Volcano symbolism..that links back to Prince and 6/7..I'm pretty sure at some point learning that Abba won the Eurovision Song Contest was important too...I don't see a blog post, but I remember learning this from my drummer Jake, and I thought I had a post on it. So it's in the back of my head, which is why I'm connecting this. 

We also had a story on 5/12, the Philadelphia train wreck anniversary about the recent Eurovison contest.
It was won by Nemo with the song, "The Code." 

I watched the video and it's Nemo on a TRAIN, so fitting we had a story on that day.

We did have the French train attack in 2015 was connected to Jimmy Carter and the Miss Universe Pageant that I blogged about last night.
6/7 will be 201 days after Rosalynn Carter died...the number everyone will blame the Jesuits's also 3 months 24 days before Carters bday...and 3/24 was important in my post about her death...

It doesn't really fit in with my Dream lol, but I feel there is something to it with Jimmy Carter, so I had to blog it.

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