Monday, June 17, 2024

Cross Synchronicity Day After Cussing Out God-Other Syncs-Dream Theme/Gambling-George Strait-Celtics vs Mavericks


I made a sandwich for someone today, and as I was walking it out to them, I put it above my head and did the Catholic chant..."Through him with him and in him, in the unity of the holy spirit...etc"...
I don't really know why I did it lol, but I'm just weird like that. 
The girl running the fryer was laughing and I told her she pry doesn't get it, because I didn't think she was Catholic. She then went on to tell me that she remembers it, and went to Catholic Church until she got confirmed.

A bit later, she was up front and I was looking at Facebook and saw a post about George Strait. I then started singing, "I CROSS my heart." 

My co-worker then came back a few minutes later and French fries fell out of the fryer. She said, "Hey, this French fry has a Cross on it." She was telling me, because we had just talked about church...she didn't know I was singing the song.

She then said, "Maybe that's a sign." 

I then told her how it happens to me everyday and whatnot. I went on to talk about how I had a bunch of CROSS and Cruz synchronicity the last time the Boston Celtics were in the NBA Finals...and they are currently in the Finals...If you go back to my posts that year, I talked about the film, "Top Gun MAVERICK" and the connection to Tom it's funny the Mavericks and Celtics are playing...and now I have synchronicities with CROSS again.
I then searched "Cross" on my blog,  because I wanted to look back at my old synchronicities. One of posts that came was a post about the face of Jesus on a tray at work....I went to show her this as an example, and I was about to say, "2 years ago, we saw the face of Jesus on this tray." As I was walking towards her, she started walking up front, because she was talking to her sister. She said, "That was 2 years ago" to her sister. 

So yet another synchronicity happened, while I was going to explain a different one lol..

What's even more funny to me about all of this, is that yesterday I cussed God out really bad. I had a dream that I won $4,096 on a specific Dragon Slot machine on Saturday into Sunday. I had $130 in freeplay that would be lost if I didn't go to the Casino, so I ended up going after I got off work. My kids were gone anyway, so it didn't really matter if I was home for Father's Day...I got there and played roulette, and got up to $200 in freeplay, and then went to the Dragon Machine. Of course, it was the most dead slot at the Casino...I lost all my free play fast, and then kept pumping money in, because I kept seeing the number 9. Recall, this number is connected to the Dream theme from when I won big earlier this year. I would've stopped if I didn't keep seeing it, but instead I lost a ton the whole way home I was flipping off the sky and telling God to suck my dick. It's not even all about money though. I'm honestly tired of riddle after riddle with everything. 
What's the point of signs and symbols if it just leads to a new riddle everytime...why do all the synchronicities have to be a riddle? Why can't it be straightforward, and to the point? It's just frustrating having syncs everyday, all day long, and you think it means something will happen on a certain day...only for that day to come with just another riddle. Where does it end? Why can't it be straightforward and lead you to the actual point...or tell you exactly when and what is important for a specific day? I'm honestly tired of chasing riddles. Losing at the Casino, just put me over the edge with now, here I am having syncs with CROSS the next day...chasing yet another's just frustrating as fuck. There is a missing link that I cannot seem to find. 

I know that Dragon Dream will probably come back up in the future, because this is how it works. I never know when it will play out, but whenever it does, it will be synced to another riddle...I should also point out that I cut my fingers off in that dream...I then put them all back on, but my pinkie was the only one I couldn't get back on....has to be something with the 2018 Pink symbolism with Goldberg/Alex Jones...and the date 8/6. It had to do with Pinkie Finger too. 

I'm finally on the computer tonight. I took my kids to the pool and park and whatnot. Anyway, I went to CNN and they have a story about George Strait surpassing the Grateful Dead in a concert attendance record. It wasn't CNN, but this is what I saw on Facebook earlier today too. I didn't realize it was an article on CNN too lol. 

Of course, the article goes on to tell us that he debuted two new songs from his upcoming album called "Cowboys and DREAMERS." 

One last thought...
The Grateful Dead always makes me think of my old drummer Jesse who loved them. He was connected to the TWIN theme from 2017. 
This only stands out, because the girl I work with is a twin...and her twin sister also works with us. They have very similar names too, so we usually just refer to them as "The Twins," or "One of the Twins." The Twin theme also went back to the angel Gabriel along with the Dream Theme,. 

We are currently in the time of Gemini, the Twins. 


  1. Give all I got to give to make all your dreams come true. I mentioned George Strait on one of uncanny deductions community post this morning. He did a post on Detroit. Detroit means The Strait. My wife bought a projector and we watched Top Gun: Maverick on it for the first time Saturday night. Great flick.


    2. You and George Strait born exactly 377 lunar months apart. George = 57. Moon = 57.
