Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Dream About DJing and a Song called "Cocoa"-418-11/11

 I had a dream last night(11/7) that I was DJing and Billy G kept requesting a song called, "Cocoa." Although, I would forget to play it everytime, and then eventually be walking around and he'd ask me if I'm ever gonna play his song. I would then go to play it, but forget by the time I got to my laptop I couldn't play his song for some reason in my dream.

Billy G used to own the bar in town when I was in my prime...I've been trying to figure out why I would randomly dream about him today..and how it would fit in with yesterday's dream...

Billy G's real name sums to 418(FB).

His brother just died on 10/9/23. His brother was born on Pearl Harbor Day ...I also knew his sister, and she died a few years ago. I looked her up and found that her bday was 11/11.

I remember asking him in the dream if he meant "Remember Me" from the film Coco, but that was not the song...

It may be important to Chris Pontius aka Party Boy from Jackass...I was Party Boy one year for Halloween, and Billy still talks about it..He even has a photo album of it. It was a crazy night lol. 


  1. Just wanted to document a few peculiar things about yesterday as it was a day I was really anticipating. I got out to deliver an apartment and when I came back there was a cat in my mail truck. She had big eyes. She kept approaching me and the truck. Her stomach was saggy so I assumed she had a litter of kittens somewhere and was just desperate for food. I forgot a package at the post office and when I went back out I was trying to adjust the mirrors while I was driving and got stung by a wasp on my right index finger. I know you mentioned finger 11 and in that screenshot of Bobby Knight he's pointing with his right index. Dere. edited that same image of Bobby Knight into the creation of Adam painting and his business partner is named Adam. Then at the end of the day an old lady was inching toward her box bracing herself with a garden hoe. On the way back by ( which isn't far at all) she had dropped her mail and I got out to help her. She asked if she could put a box next to the door. Anyways the house number is 151 which is that Jesus # and also my name Gematria.

    The wasp is significant as when I was going through something really intense early this year I dreamt of a wasp hovering on consecutive nights. I even considered getting a tattoo of a wasp.

  2. One of the reasons I was watching 11/7 was actually because of Pearl Harbor. 11/7 was 983 months after Pearl Harbor. 166th prime.

  3. And my grandmother who died on 11/11 was born on Pearl Harbor Day

  4. Billy G made me think of Jon B.
    I only just found out about him a week ago. They were talking about him on this podcast my wife listens to. Turns out his birthday is 11/11

  5. Today is 92 Mercury orbits after 9/11/2001!!!!

    1. I found out that Adam the Illusion turned 156 Mercury years old today. 156th prime is 911 and so much Mercury stuff with 9/11. Adam turned 64 Mercury years old on 9/11.

    2. Actually it's today on 11/9. Was off by a day
