Monday, April 18, 2022

Choose Or Die on Netflix and the Word 'Kismet'-Alan Thicke Fuller House Episode and Scott Weinger's "Aflac Duck" Answer in relation to Gilbert Gottfried


The movie "Choose or Die" was the suggested on my Netflix earlier tonight and I ended up watching it. The film is basically about a computer game that has symbols in the code that can control the reality of the player....Kind've interesting when you think about Gematria being coded in the world around us...Also, the other symbols placed in front of us too, not just gematria. 

Anyway, the whole reason for this post is that I noticed the word "Kismet" a bunch of times in this film. It's because the company that the main character works for is called "Kismet." 
This term sticks out to me though because I've recently blogged about the Cameron/Fire Theme that was important to when Alan Thicke died. When he died I talked about the "Fuller House" episode that he was on and he mentions the word "Kismet"(Fate). 

So I went back and watched that episode again. Shortly before he says the line about Kismet though, they are playing a trivia game and Steve's clue was the Aflac Duck for the answer Ben Affleck...
Think how I just mention Steve(Scott Weinger) being the voice of Aladdin, and how he was synced to the death of Gilbert Gottfried. I also mentioned how Gottfried and Alan Thicke swapped wives on "Wife Swap." 
Think how Gilbert Gottfried was the voice of the Aflac Duck. 
The film "Choose or Die" also stands out to me because it involves Robert Englund/Freddy Krueger....
The Dream Theme...
Another big piece in the plot of the film has to do with the main characters brother DROWNING too....
Think how the Drowning and Dream theme are connected. 

No doubt it was Kismet that I watched this film. 

Just gonna throw out some thoughts too..
It seems that at some point people realized the vibrations or energies that can be produced by symbols. Franz Bardon talks about using magic by empowering certain combinations of letters(symbols). Letters and Numbers are truly just symbols that we have been programmed to mean a certain thing. This is why places such as China can be just as controlled as places with the English language. It seems that it's the meaning behind the symbols that is important and not so much the symbol itself. 

When you really think about it, we are programmed to believe certain things have a certain meaning, but they don't necessarily have to have that programmed meaning...
For example, most people see a stop sign and our programming says that it's a red octagon shaped sign that means to Stop. However, if a person were never programmed that the shape was an Octagon, or the color was red, or the "S-T-O-P" symbols are actually letters that spell the word meaning to discontinue moving, the Stop sign could have a whole different meaning to them. They wouldn't follow the standardized meaning to the sign either, and would allow themselves to see outside of the programming. 

I often wonder if this is why the world is so controlled too. The world has been so standardized that people cannot see the extra meaning or multiple meanings within the signs and symbols around them. They also have no idea that they can use these interpretations to help them become one with the nature around them. 
Most of the Gematria community uses it in a programmed way as well. There's too many people creating the same standardized analysis by associating Gematria to mean a "Cabal" is behind it, instead of recognizing their own meaning. 
People don't understand that the Cabal created "Letters and Numbers" and the meaning we associate with them. The symbol "A" doesn't have to even mean the first letter of the English Alphabet, yet we've been trained to believe it does. You could associate the letter "A" to mean "Horse" or "Pig" if you really wanted to. I think this is possibly how they are able to control us though, because we accept the meaning they have given us, which gives them the power of "Spelling" us with it. 
I mean really think about it. Even reading this blog post right now you are subconsciously associating the meaning you've been programmed with for each letter and word as you are reading it. I'm basically creating magic with my words without realizing it's effects. Imagine if you understood how to use the programmed symbols in a certain way though.
The same goes for things such as the Calendar and Clocks too. Time doesn't really exist, yet we've allowed ourselves to feel as though it does.