Thursday, April 7, 2022

Birthday Notification For Lani And The Dream Theme-Nelly


I just got a notification that today is Lani's bday.
Recall that she is important to this Dream/Psychic Theme I am talking about lol..
I forgot that today is her bday until now, and in light of my previous posts that Missouri or Oklahoma are important...She lives in Missouri...

Since she used to date my cousin Jacob, I can't help but think it's connected to his dad Freddy..
Freddy's bday is 8/10..
The important date to Slipknot and Kanye West.. This theme began with Freddie Gray...

Plus the Dream Theme is connected to my dad. Freddy is his dad, and my dad's brother.
Jacob even has a son named GRAYson.

No shit lol, as I'm typing this, "Ride Wit Me" by Nelly just started playing on the radio at work.

Another thing that interests me with the bdays above is that Jacob's friend Rex also has a bday today...

It's also funny to me that yesterday I told 2 different stories to people about my cousin Jacob...For example, he stayed with us one summer when I was in High School and some old guy asked us if we could help him load iron on his was a bunch of railroad spikes and it took like an hour...we thought we were gonna get like 20 bucks, but the guy only bought us each a pop....a few weeks later there was a story in the local newspaper that someone had stole a bunch of railroad spikes and we laughed like crazy cause we were the ones who did it..not knowing they were being stolen.

I also told Dane a story about that same summer and how we got drunk and I fell on a cactus.

I'll think more about this later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Netflix says the last day to watch my favorite movie is April 17th. ParaNorman. I'm going to have to buy it.
