Sunday, September 12, 2021

Dream Theme connected to Angel Gabriel/Daniel theme and the number 19-Synchronicity with Scooby Doo and Psychic

I didn't have time to blog about this yesterday as I had to work and then had to leave for a band gig...but I made the post about 19 and I also talked about 269 in relation to the angel Gabriel...I then went to the bar and had the 19 sync with the gambling machine.

Anyway, there were only like 5 people when I got to the bar but after I came back to the otherwise from the gambling machine more people had shown of them was my friend Derek who cares as much about this knowledge as I do. I've blogged about him before and we don't have the same beliefs but we understand each other's point of view because we both know we have our own path to understand the signs in front of us. 

Anyway, we started talking and I told him about my 19 sync with the gambling machine...we then kept talking and I can't remember why exactly, but he wanted me to tell him about his name gematria I type in his name on my phone and of course it sums to 269.

Derek Allen Rucker=269

I just started laughing right away because I had just blogged about that number before going to the Derek has told me more than once that he has seen the Angel Gabriel. I know this is important further because the guy named Daniel that said he woke up at 8:06am when I was DJing a week ago, said this while talking to me and Derek.  Also, a new kid started working at my job and his name is Daniel, I even gave him a ride yesterday cause he apparently lives close to my house. I saw him walking while I was on my way there and asked if he needed a ride. 


This is important because Daniel in the bible was captured by Nebuchadnezzar, who was the longest reigning king of the Chaldean Dynasty. Looking more at this the Chaldean Dynasty is also known as the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty....makes me think of the Matrix...Neo and the ship named Nebuchadnezzar...

Nebuchadnezzar=67 and 68....think about the "19" post and my sync with Zenith that involved 67 and 68..

Nebuchadnezzar II=86

Of course, Nebuchadnezzar also destroyed the first temple in Jerusalem(Solomon) too, syncing with the Tisha B'Av narrative. 

Further, I have been talking about something important to "Dreams" and Daniel is known for his visions and interpreting dreams. 

I really do not dream that often but I did have a crazy dream the other night. In the dream I rode my lawn mower 13 miles away to Earling, Iowa to get gas. Funny part is that Earling no longer has a gas station because it blew up on 4/27/2020.  The guy who owned the Gas station was named "Dan" and in my blog post about it I also talk about a story of "Daniel King Jr."  Anyway, in the dream I got to Earling and then all the sudden a bunch of younger people showed up outside and were partying. My lawn mower then got a flat tire, like there was a giant hole in the tire that I could put my hand in...I then noticed a girl I know named Casey and asked her if she was going back to Dunlap but she said no and I couldn't get a ride. It was odd because she is very nice and for sure would have given me a ride lol....but then all the sudden I was inside someone's house. I turned out to be a guy I know named Chuck's house...I really don't know him that well so it was very strange I would end up in his house and then I woke up.....the next day at work Chuck showed up to fix the stores video surveillance camera's too. 

Earling=443(Trigonal) the 86th prime...

Earling is famous for the Exorcism that partially inspired the film The Exorcist..

What's even crazier is that when I was in High School I had a dream about my friend Krystal's dad dying in car accident. I had never even met her dad or anything so it was very strange, but the next day they were in a car accident and her dad actually died. That shit has bothered me my whole life and I never told her about it because it always felt too awkward. The only person I ever told was my mom the same day that it happened and I know she believed me because it bothered me so much. What are the odds that his name was "Daniel" though? and his name sums to 86. It's just proof to me that everything happens for a reason. Like I was supposed to discover this on this certain day and so on. 

He also died on Hwy 191 on the 191st day of the year.  This means I had the dream on the 190th day of 1998 too...

The 19th Triangular is 190. 

Dream=67(FB) although it doesn't have to be capitalized. 

He also died age 39 which I find interesting considering I will be 39 years old this year. 

So I'm researching trying to find the obituary or something so I can see how far away from Daniel's bday that he died...I can only find his death date and not his bday, so I figured I would see if I could find something on his wifes Facebook....I went to her page and it says she works as a Psychic in the world did I never know this? I guess I don't really know her that well but such a small town area I would think I would have heard about this before..What are the odds that I would a dream of a Psychic's husband dying? This is just mind blowing to me. 

I went to her Psychic page and the pinned post of course has a picture about learning how to talk to Angels of all things too lol. 

So I just figured out that Daniel was born on 6/4 and then I hear something about Psychic energy from the TV. Alistair is watching Scooby Doo and of course it's an episode called "The Nightmare Ghose of Psychic U!"...of all episodes also guest stars Whoopi Goldberg who is the Psychic in the film "Ghost." 

Whoopi Goldberg=310(FB)

Recall that Scooby Doo was important to the Buffy theme all about 310...The Scooby Gang(Buffy) and other syncs to the Troll was the Earling Gas Station that blew up...

Earling Standard=310(FB)

Plus think how Goldberg the Goalie was synced to that major theme with 8/6 in 2018...that theme involved Mollie/Moore/Ghost and so on too...think about Whoopi Goldberg in the film Ghost and Demi MOORE. I mentioned all of this back Mollie Tibbetts was synced to the Iowa Hawkeyes who just beat Iowa State yesterday...if you look at my post about Earling Standard I also mentioned the Mighty Duck theme that involves Goldberg. 

Think about the title of this Scooby Doo episode too...The Nightmare it involves "Dreams." 


Some other interesting things about this Scooby Doo is that the 19th episode is about Mount Etna/Volcanoes....also Alex Trebek is on the 40th episode....of course the guy born in 40'..."Jeopardy"=40...the last episode has Axl Rose... the episodes before and after the Psychic episode have Batman and Mark Hamill in them too....and Mark Hamill was synced to the Batman theme/Harley Quinn...

Today is 1 month 29 days before my bday and the date 12/9....the volcano number too...

I should also mention that right next to where Daniel died in a car wreck there are posts by the railroad tracks that look like the Nine Inch Nails "NIN." Or at least I've always associated it with that logo, and I'm pretty sure it's still there...


Possibly something important to that band..they do have a bunch of albums that involve "Ghost" in the title I see. 


  1. Dan!! Remember I told you I talked to a psychic last month. i decided that my gift was the ability to recall dreams after that session. That's the only time I've ever consulted a psychic

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  4. Wild that you have a friend named Derek who spells it the same way I do and is also into this...
    I have an older brother named Daniel, which I probably never pointed out. And then you mention how Daniel was born on 6/4 which is my birthday lol.
    Last year I made a video on a classmate I had named Michael Bay who died in connection with the director with the same name. He died on my brother Daniel's birthday.

  5. By the way that Psychic told me my guardian angel was Daniel

  6. 19....

    The Beginning and the End

    [ZERO is "before" the beginning]




  7. Did a quick search to see if you mentioned the psychic in Ghost. Here it is. I'm talking to Deb tonight and it's killing me I thought of a DEB acronym last night right before I fell asleep but cant think of it now.
