Friday, August 6, 2021

Comment on old book video the same day I release my new Book


So I uploaded the ebook to Amazon and free on Patreon earlier today..although Amazon says I uploaded it on 8/5's a's like they can't even let me do it by the numbers...
I didn't have time to make a video because I ran out of time and had to DJ, which is where I am now...

Anyway, this is the type of thing that makes me think I'm being messed with, but who knows for sure...I upload the book and then someone comments on a video I made with my old book, The Mindless Freaks...barely anyone has even seen that video, so what are the odds someone would comment on it today of all days?

I'll look at it more later, but had to make a post...also to the people asking about a paperback copy..I hope to get one made soon...I have to fix the cover and send it off for review. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There's been so much Sun stuff going on lately especially with us being under the sign of Leo. Leo ruled by the Sun and you release your book when the Sun is dead center of of Leo. symbolically the most illuminating date perhaps.

  3. I've been listening to Paranormal Portal and they cover Bigfoot quite a bit. Ever since I started listening to it I've seen it Manifest more and more. Like there's a guy who changes his business sign ever so often and right now it says "Bigfoot is the hide and seek champ"

  4. Reading your book is frustrating because I can't leave comments 😆😆😆

  5. I'm more or less skimming and came to a page where you talk about the movie "Troll" and Harry Potter Jr being set in San Francisco. I was actually in San Francisco in July. Also interesting that Falkor is a name I used to use on discord and the actor that played HPJ also played Atreyu in the Never Ending Story.

  6. So we put on the Big Lebowski tonight. Of course theres a lot of bowling and I noticed the rich Mr Lebowski had a picture with Nancy Reagan then on Facebook there's a video of a juggler with Nancy and Ronald in the crowd. He ends his act juggling a bowling ball
