Monday, March 11, 2019

Falkor II video on Ethiopia and the connection to the Lion of Judah

Eyez on Ethiopia Video Link

Look how this video fits to exactly what I documented with the connection to Lion Air and the Ethiopian Airline Crash. 

A few interesting things I noticed....
The video was put out on the 115th day...
The Plane crash happened 1 month 15 days before the 115th day. 
Lion of Judah=115
Synchronicity at it's finest. 
Eyez on Ethiopia=83
Haile Selassie=83

I looked up the Lion of Judah and it tells it's the hereditary title of Ethiopian Emperors including Selassie and Menelik. 
Notice Menelik's reign began on 3/10 and he died age 69. 
3/10 the 69th day. 
Black Panther=69

The Flag with the Lion on it was only on until the year 74'. 
Now it's a Yellow Pentagram. 


  1. Not sure if you've pointed this out but good friend and fellow decoder Darren O'Brien just showed me how Selassie was buried 11/5/2000. 310 days before 9/11

  2. Hey, I was also "The Gematria Pioneer" for a few weeks too 😄

  3. Ethiopian flag adopted Halloween 1996 1776 days before 9/11

  4. There was a Brazilian plane crash that day.éreos_Regionais_Flight_402
